Egalement publié dans the "European spine journal", vol. 11, suppl. 2, October 2002.Notes bibliogr. en fin de chap.
Arthroplasty of the spine: the long quest for mobility. Spine arthroplasty: a historical review. Non-fusion technology in degenerative lumbar spinal disorders. Cervical motion segment replacement. History, design and biomechanics of the LINK SB Charite artificial disc. Artificial disc: preliminary results of a prospective study in the US. Optimal minimally traumatic approach for the SB Charite artificial disc. Maverick total lumbar disk prosthesis. Total disc replacement arthroplasty using the AcroFlex lumbar disc: a non-human primate model. Minimally invasive total disc replacement: surgical technique and preliminary clinical results. Indications for full prosthetic disc arthroplasty: a correlation of clinical outcome against a variety of indications. The PDN prosthetic disc-nucleus device. Surgical and clinical results with the PDN prosthetic disc-nucleus device. A spiral implant as nucleus prosthesis in the lumbar spine. Nucleus prosthesis: a new concept. Graf ligamentoplasty: a 7-year follow-up. Mechanical supplementation by non-rigid fixation in degenerative intervertebral lumbar segments: the Wallis system. The dynamic neutralization system for the spine: a multi-center study of a novel non-fusion system. The objectives for the mechanical evaluation of spinal instrumentation have changed. Development and preclinical testing of a new tension-band device for the spine: the Loop system. Elastic stabilization alone or combined with rigid fusion in spinal surgery: a biomechanical study and clinical experience based on 82 cases. Rationale, principles and experimental evaluation of the concept of soft stabilization. A potential role for cell-based therapeutics in the treatment of intervertebral disc herniation. A biological approach to treating disc degeneration: not for today, but maybe for tomorrow.