Computer integrated manufacturing proceedings of the Seventh CIM Europe Annual Conference, 29-31 May 1991, Turin, Italy
CEC DG XIII: Telecommunications, Information Industries and Innovation. Ed. by R. Vio ...
London Springer
445 Seiten Illustrationen, Diagramme 30 cm
Conference theme: "Applications of CIM - critical success factors and implementation strategies"
Concurrent and Integrated Design (I).- Trends and experiences in applying simultaneous engineering.- Documents flow computerization as a prerequisite to concurrent engineering.- CAE and product modelling.- Open Systems in CIM.- Open systems and manufacturing software integration platforms.- Implementation levels for semantic integration of open system CIM modules.- From CIM to CIM-OSA - a step ahead in system integration.- Concurrent and Integrated Design (II).- Advantages of using features to integrate product and process modelling - results of IMPPACT (ESPRIT 2165).- Integrated CAD/CAE system for cold forging in the automotive industry.- A neutral product database for large multifunctional systems.- Production Planning and Control (I).- The impact of software engineering in the development of CIM systems.- A real-time control network for small batch part manufacturing.- Intelligent design of shop-floor management within a supervisory control system.- Organisation, Education and Technology Transfer.- The ILVA school of information technology.- An educational concept for flexible production automation with the possibilities of CIM.- CIM technology transfer to SME in the less favoured regions of EC: the role of the science park TECNOPOLIS in Southern Italy.- Joint technical and organisational design of CIM system for SMEs.- Production Planning and Control (II).- Asia: a knowledge-based system for plan generation with incomplete information.- A planning strategy based on advanced modelling techniques for CAPP in mechanical engineering.- User requirements for development of a master production scheduling system.- A new approach to production planning and control at ILVA's Taranto works.- Integration in CIM.- CIMSTEEL: a CIM for steel work companies.- New directions in decision-oriented CIM.- CIM developments at FIAT AVIO.- Sensors and Control.- The design of integrated control schemes for the glass making industry.- Holographic labelling for automated material identification in CIM environment.- AIMBURN in the context of CIM: Views of an industrial demonstrator.- Multisupplier Operations.- CMSO reference model for interorganisational communications.- Odette: the working EDI solution for the European automative industry.- Enterprise-wide data modelling: the basis for integration.- Robotics in CIM.- ESPRIT project 2637: A.R.M.S. partial results and achievements.- Knowledge-based real-time diagnosis and repair for a complete robotized handling and storage system.- Defects detection on metal surfaces in robot grinding.- A parallel algorithm to find and match known objects to help the navigation of an autonomous mobile robot.- Quality Management.- A feature based KBS for quality prediction of machined parts and products.- Networks as a basis for production-integrated quality management.- Customer service: the CIM driving force.- Implementation and Business Experience.- The Japanese approach towards the creation of a CIM system.- Balancing CIM introduction.
Applications of CIM - critical success factors and implementation strategies
Computer integrated manufacturing systems -- Congresses
CEC DG XIII: Telecommunications, Information Industries and Innovation. Ed. by R. Vio ...
Europäische Gemeinschaften. Generaldirektion Telekommunikation, Informationsindustrie und Innovation