Foreword Preface PART I: RENEWABLE STRATEGIES South Korea's Green Energy Strategies Japan's Energy Policy After the 3.11 Natural and Nuclear Disasters - from the Viewpoint of the R&D of Renewable and Its Current State The Impact of Renewable Energy Development on Energy and CO2 Emissions in China The Scottish Government's Electricity Generation Policy Statement Transiton to Renewables as a Challenge for the Industry - the German Energiewende from an Industry Perspective The Decreasing Market Value of Variable Renewables: Integration Options and Deadlocks Transition to a Fully Sustainable Global Energy System The Transition to Renewable Energy Systems - On the Way to a Comprehensive Transition Concept Renewable Energy Future for the Developing World An Innovative Concept for Large-Scale Concentrating Solar Thermal Power Plants Status of Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Development and Deployment: Hyundai's Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Development as a Best Practice Example Hydrogen as an Enabler for Renewable Energies Pre-Investigation of Hydrogen Technologies at Large Scales for Electric Grid Load Balancing PART II: POWER PRODUCTION Onshore Wind Energy Offshore Wind Power Towards Photovoltaic Technology on the Terawatt Scale: Status and Challenges Geothermal Power Catalyzing Growth: An Overview of the United Kingdom's Burgeoning Marine Energy Industry Hydropower The Future Role of Fossil Power Plants - Design and Implementation PART III: GAS PRODUCTION Status on Technologies for Hydrogen Production by Water Electrolysis Hydrogen Production by Solar Thermal Methane Reforming PART IV: BIOMASS Biomass - Aspects of Global Resources and Political Opportunities Flexible Power Generation from Biomass - an Opportunity for a Renewable Sources-Based Energy System? Options for Biofuel Production - Status and Perspectives PART V: STORAGE Energy Storage Technologies - Characteristics, Comparison, and Synergies Advanced Batteries for Electric Vehicles and Energy Storage Systems Pumped Storage Hydropower Chemical Storage of Renewable Electricity via Hydrogen - Principles and Hydrocarbon Fuels as an Example Geological Storage for the Transition from Natural to Hydrogen Gas Near-Surface Bulk Storage of Hydrogen Energy Storage Based on Electrochemical Conversion of Ammonia PART VI: DISTRIBUTION Introduction to Transmission Grid Components Introduction to the Transmission Networks Smart Grid: Facilitating Cost-Effective Evolution to a Low-Carbon Future Natural Gas Pipeline Systems Introduction to a Future Hydrogen Infrastructure Power to Gas PART VII: APPLICATIONS Transition from Petro-Mobility to Electro-Mobility Nearly Zero, Net Zero, and Plus Energy Buildings - Theory, Terminology, Tools, and Examples China Road Map for Building Energy Conservation Energy Savings Potentials and Technologies in the Industrial Sector: Europe as an Example