Poly(arylene vinylene)s - Synthesis and Applications in Semiconductor Devices (M. Murray & A. Holmes). Oligo- and Poly(phenylene)s (U. Scherf & K. Mullen) Disorder and Solitons in Trans-Polyacetylene (J. Knoester & M. Mostovoy). Gas Phase to Solid State Evolution of the Electronic and Optical Properties of Conjugated Chains: A Theoretical Investigation (J. Cornil, et al.). Electronic Structure of Surfaces and Interfaces in Conjugated Polymers (M. Lugdlund & W. Salaneck). Electronic Structure and Energy Transfer in Solid alpha-Sexithienyl (C. Taliani, et al.). Spectroscopy of Photoexcitations in Conjugated Polymers (P. Lane, et al.). Photophysics of Methyl-Substituted Poly (para-Phenylene)-Type Ladder Polymers (G. Lanzani, et al.). Solid-State Aspects of Conjugated Semiconductors (W. Graupner, et al.). Lasing in Conjugated Polymers (U. Lemmer, et al.). Physics of Polymer Light-Emitting Diodes (I. Campbell & D. Smith). Charge Transport in Random Organic Semiconductors (H. Bssler). The Chemistry, Physics and Engineering of Organic Light-Emitting Diodes (J. Scott & G. Malliaras) Physics of Organic Field-Effect Transistors (G. Horowitz). Conjugated Polymer Based Plastic Solar Cells (C. Brabec & N. Sariciftci). A Model Oligomer Approach to Semiconducting Polymers (P. van Hutten & G. Hadziioannou). Index.