List of Contributors. Editorial Board. Editorial Statement. List Of Reviewers. Editor's Introduction. (D.E. Davis). Part I: Historical Studies of Race, Class, and Urban Politics. Class, Race, and Urban Politics: The 1920s Ku Klux Klan Movement in the United States. (C. Rhomberg). A Tale of Two Bourgeoisies: Race, Class, and Citizenship in San Francisco and Cincinnati, 1870-1911. (J. Haydu). Part II: Citizens, States, and Social Movements in Colonial and Transnational Context. Her Majesty's Sable Subjects: Subaltern Masculinities in Post-Emancipation Jamaica. (M. Sheller). Europe's Atlantic Empires: Early Modern State Formation Reconsidered. (J.C.A. Smith). Thinking Locally, Acting Globally? What the Seattle WTO Protests Tell Us About the Global Justice Movement. (G.H. Murphy, S. Pfaff). Part III: Scholarly Controversy: A Debate on the Social Origins of Corporate Irresponsibility. Corporate Malfeasance and the Myth of Shareholder Value. (F. Dobbin, D. Zorn). On the Importance of Analyzing Economic Scandals and Contemporary Economic Institutions: A Comment on Dobbin and Zorn. (R. Swedberg). The Power of Ideas? The Possibility of a Myth of Shareholder Value. (E.S. Clemens). The Historical Context of Sharehold Value Capitalism. (M.S. Mizruchi, H. Kimeldorf). The End of (Shareholder Value) Ideology? (N. Fligstein). The Promise of Economic Sociology. (F. Dobbin, D. Zorn).
List of Contributors --; Editorial Board --; Editorial Statement --; List Of Reviewers --; Editor's Introduction --; (D.E. Davis). Part I: Historical Studies of Race, Class, and Urban Politics --; Class, Race, and Urban Politics: The 1920s Ku Klux Klan Movement in the United States --; (C. Rhomberg). A Tale of Two Bourgeoisies: Race, Class, and Citizenship in San Francisco and Cincinnati, 1870-1911. (J. Haydu). Part II: Citizens, States, and Social Movements in Colonial and Transnational Context --; Her Majesty's Sable Subjects: Subaltern Masculinities in Post-Emancipation Jamaica --; (M. Sheller). Europe's Atlantic Empires: Early Modern State Formation Reconsidered --; (J.C.A. Smith). Thinking Locally, Acting Globally? --; What the Seattle WTO Protests Tell Us About the Global Justice Movement --; (G.H. Murphy, S. Pfaff). Part III: Scholarly Controversy: A Debate on the Social Origins of Corporate Irresponsibility --; Corporate Malfeasance and the Myth of Shareholder Value --; (F. Dobbin, D. Zorn). On the Importance of Analyzing Economic Scandals and Contemporary Economic Institutions: A Comment on Dobbin and Zorn --; (R. Swedberg). The Power of Ideas? --; The Possibility of a Myth of Shareholder Value --; (E.S. Clemens). The Historical Context of Sharehold Value Capitalism --; (M.S. Mizruchi, H. Kimeldorf). The End of (Shareholder Value) Ideology? (N. Fligstein). The Promise of Economic Sociology --; (F. Dobbin, D. Zorn).
Volume 17 of "Political Power and Social Theory" showcases scholarship by historical, political, and economic sociologists grouped around three broad subjects with both contemporary and historical relevance. The first is the relationship between race, class, and urban politics, and specifically, how racial and class identities interact with each other to produce social and political power dynamics in 20th century American cities. The second subject, the interaction of citizens, states, and social movements in both colonial and transnational context, turns away from the sub-national level of the city and examines social and political dynamics at the level of nations and even empires, although racial identities, social movements, and citizenship concerns remain relevant in several of these papers as well. Both U.S. and European cases are examined. The final topic of inquiry is the social origins of corporate irresponsibility, a problem that is explored through the lens of organizational theory, state-society relations, and the history of labor-corporate relations. Overall, the volume aims to open new historical, methodological, and theoretical lines of inquiry for sociologists, organ