Chapter 1: Hand tools for General Residential and Light Commercial WiringChapter 2: Hand Tools for Construction WiringChapter 3: Special Equipment - Cable Benders, Cutters and Wire DispensersChapter 4: Troubleshooting - GFCIs and WiringChapter 5: Troubleshooting - Electric MotorsChapter 6: Alarm SystemsChapter 7: Lamps and Lighting SystemsChapter 8: Electric Motors; Power Supplies - Emergency, Transformers, Low Voltage Chapter 9: Wires and Wiring Chapter 10: Hazardous Location EquipmentChapter 11: Programmable Controls (PLC)Chapter 12: Wiring for Telephone Installation Chapter 13: Basic Mathematics and Measurement ConversionChapter 14: Estimating a Job; Electrical and Electronic FormulasChapter 15: How to Read BlueprintsChapter 16: How to Measure - Blueprints, Meters, and GagesAppendices: Rules of Safety; Codes, Standards, and Regulations; Definitions and Abbreviations of Electrical Units of Measurement; Tables and Charts; Symbols and Abbreviation of Electrical Units of Measurement; Glossary.