Local Model Checking Games / C. Stirling --;Compositional Proof Systems for Model Checking Infinite State Processes / M. Dam --;Compositional Model Checking of Real Time Systems / F. Laroussinie and K.G. Larsen --;Checking Bisimilarity for Finitary [pi]-Calculus / U. Montanari and M. Pistore --;The Weak Late [pi]-Calculus Semantics as Observation Equivalence / G.-L. Ferrari, U. Montanari and P. Quaglia --;The Fixpoint-Analysis Machine / B. Steffen, A. Classen, M. Klein, J. Knoop and T. Margaria --;Unique Fixpoint Induction for Mobile Processes / H. Lin --;A Polymorphic Type System for the Polyadic [pi]-Calculus / X. Liu and D. Walker --;Fibrational Control Structures / C. Hermida and J. Power --;Fully Abstract Models for Nondeterministic Regular Expressions / F. Corradini, R. De Nicola and A. Labella --;A Petri Net Semantics for [pi]-Calculus / N. Busi and R. Gorrieri --;A Complete Theory of Deterministic Event Structures / A. Rensink.
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Concurrency Theory, CONCUR '95, held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in August 1995.The volume presents seven invited contributions by outstanding researchers and 33 refereed full research papers selected by the program committee out of a total of 91 submissions.