4th International Symposium Present State and Research Perspectives in the Experimental and Clinical Gerontology
edited by Dieter Platt.
Berlin, Heidelberg
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
(xiii, 316 pages 75 illustrations)
From the Contents: Red Blood Cell Membrane1/mComposition and Aging --;Neuropathic, Microangiopathic, and Macroangiopathic Complications in Hospitalized Diabetic Patients of Old Age --;Regulation of Force of Contraction in the Aged and Diseased Myocardium --;The Effect of Dietary Restriction on Life Span --;Role of the Day Hospital in Rehabilitation and Resettlement at Home --;Drug-Drug Interactions in Geriatric Patients --;Changes of Myocardial Structure With Aging --;Changes in Structure and Metabolism of Proteoglycans in Aging --;Nonenzymatic Glycosylation of Collagen as a Model of Posttranslational Aging --;The Aging Human Cerebral Cortex: Morphometry of Areal Differences and Their Functional Meaning --;Advances in Cytogerontology --;Results from a Longitudinal Study of Initially 70-Year-Old Subjects in Giessen Followed Up for 10 Years --;The Amyloidosis of Alzheimer's Disease --;Altered Response to Benzodiazepines in the Elderly --;Drug Treatment of Hypertensive Geriatric Patients --;Amyloid Deposits Derived from Various Proteins --;A Hallmark of Old Age --;€-Blockade in the Elderly --;DNA-Information and Aging: The Balance Between Alteration and Repair --;Treatment With Diuretics in the Elderly --;General Aspects of Pharmacokinetics in the Elderly --;Age-Dependent Changes in Structure, Properties, and Biosynthesis of Collagen --;Geriatric Rehabilitation --;The Present State and Further Developments --;Nutritional Problems in Geriatric Patients --;Age-Dependent Phagocytosis by Short-Term cultured Kupffer Cells.
The programmed aging hypothesis suggests that aging cannot be altered by any external influence, that aging is programmed from the beginning of life until the end of senescence.