I Basic Principles --;The Lessons from 30 Years of Success and Failure of Total Joint Replacement --;The Importance of Remembering Past Mistakes When Considering Implant Materials for Future Hip Endoprostheses --;Tribology of Artificial Joints --;The Reactivation of the Metal-Metal Pairing for the Total Hip Prosthesis --;Osseointegration of Sulmesh Coatings --;Biomechanics of Osseointegration of a Cementless Hip Joint Cup in Animal Experiments --;Primary Stability of Cemented and Noncemented Implants --;Gait Analysis: A Biomechanical Tool in the Development of Artificial Joints --;Gait Analysis of Normal Persons and Patients with Coxarthrosis Before and After Conservative Therapy and After the Implantation of a Total Hip Endoprosthesis --;II Cemented Acetabular Fixation --;The Cemented Hip Cup: The Weber Polyethylene-Ceramic and Metasul Cups and the High-Pressure Cementing Technique --;III Noncemented Acetabular Fixation --;Noncemented Acetabular Fixation in Primary Total Hip Replacement --;The Saint Nabor Cup: 8 Years of Experience --;Rationale of the Press-Fit Cup --;IV Cemented Femoral Stem --;The Weber Stem and the High-Pressure Cementing Technique --;The Cemented MS-30 Stem --;The Cement-Fixed Hip Replacement System --;V Noncemented Femoral Stem --;The Cementless Femoral Stem --;The Development of the Thrust Plate Prosthesis --;Conical Stem Fixation for Cementless Hip Prostheses for Primary Implantation and Revisions --;VI Noncemented Endoprosthesis Systems --;The CLS System --;The Cementless CLW System --;The Development of the Cementless Hip Endoprosthesis: 1979-1994 --;VII Knee Joint Arthroplasty --;The Gschwend-Scheier-Bähler Knee Prosthesis --;Total Knee Replacement at the Royal London Hospital: 25 Years' Experience --;The APS Cement-Free Knee Joint Prosthesis in Varus Osseoarthritis: Treatment and Results --;Uncemented Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty --;VIII Arthroplasty of the Upper Extremities --;Elbow Arthroplasty, with Particular Regard to the Gschwend-Scheier-Bahler III Elbow Joint Prosthesis --;Total Wrist Arthroplasty.
Commemorative volume for Dr. med. h.c. Otto Frey-Zund
Commemorative volume for Dr. med. h.c. Otto Frey-Zünd