L. Denis, Introduction --;G.P. Murphy, Prostate Cancer 2000: Projections for the Future --;P. Boyle, The Evolution of an Epidemic of Unknown Origin --;F. Schröder, Remarks on Screening and Early Detection of Prostate Cancer --;K. Griffiths, M.E. Harper, C.E. Eaton, A. Turkes, W.B. Peeling, Endocrine Aspects of Prostate Cancer --;G.P. Murphy, The Diagnosis and Staging of Prostate Cancer --;P.C. Walsh, Radical Prostatectomy --;M.A. Bagshaw, S.L. Hancock, Radiation Therapy of Prostate Cancer at Stanford University: An Experience of 36 Years --;L. Denis, C. Mahler, Primary Endocrine Treatment of Advanced Prostate Cancer --;H.I. Scher, Hormone-Independent Prostate Cancer: Managment of the Disease Continuum.
All epidemiological data predict an endemic rise of prostate cancer in populations with a high proportion of elderly people, leading to a major health problem.