Kluwer international series on advances in database systems, 12.
1. Database Fundamentals --;ACID Properties of Transactions --;Transaction Execution --;The Cache Manager --;The Recovery Manager --;Concurrency Control Mechanisms --;Management of Concurrent Execution --;Recoverability --;2. Formalization of Recovery* --;The Formal Model --;Operations, Events, States, and Histories --;A Hierarchy of Histories --;Specification of Requirements --;Specification of Assurances --;Specification of Recovery Mechanisms --;Sample Proofs --;Dealing with a Specific Recovery Protocol --;Relaxation of the Assumptions made thus far --;3. Recovery Approaches --;Checkpointing --;Recovery Algorithms --;Performance --;4. Recovery in Informix --;Logical Logging --;Physical Logging --;Checkpointing --;Fast Recovery --;5. Recovery in Openingres --;Transaction Recovery --;Page Oriented Recovery --;Transaction Undo --;Transaction Redo --;Transaction Rollforward --;Recovery Methods --;Context-Independent Recovery --;Transaction Rollback --;Redo Recovery --;Rollforward Recovery --;Consistency Points --;Archiver Process --;6. Recovery in Oracle --;Change Vector and Redo Record --;System Change Numbers --;High, Low, and Stop SCNs --;Log Switching --;Checkpoints --;Checkpoint Processing --;Fast and Slow Checkpoints --;Thread Checkpoint --;Database and Data File Checkpoints --;Log History --;Control Files, Data Files, and Log Files --;Recovery Methods --;Media Recovery --;Database-wide Recovery Options --;Complete vs. Incomplete Recovery --;RESETLOGS Option --;7. Recovery in Sybase --;Logging --;Recovery Procedures --;recovery overview --;Phases --;DB-level front-ends --;The "do" layer --;References.
Database Recovery presents an in-depth discussion on all aspects of database recovery. A book on recovery is incomplete if it does not present how recovery is practiced in commercial systems.