Introducing psychology --;1. Introduction and research methods --;Influence of philosophy and physiology --;Wilhelm Wundt : the founder of psychology --;Edward B. Titchener : structuralism --;William James : functionalism --;Sigmund Freud : psychoanalysis --;John B. Watson : behaviorism --;Carl Rogers : humanistic psychology --;The scientific method --;Naturalistic observation : the science of people- and animal-watching --;The experimental method --;The Gingko Biloba experiment --;The Hotel experiment --;Ethics and psychological research --;Psychobiological processes --;2. Neuroscience and behavior --;The neuron : basic unit of communication --;Neurotransmitters and their effects --;How drugs affect synaptic transmission --;The nervous system and the endocrine system : communication throughout the body --;A guided tour of the brain --;The dynamic brain : plasticity and neurogenesis --;The brainstem : hindbrain and midbrain structures --;The forebrain --;Specialization in the cerebral hemispheres --;Language and the left hemisphere : the early work of Broca and Wernicke --;Cutting the corpus callosum : the split brain --;3. Sensation and perception --;Basic principles of sensation --;Vision : from light to sight --;What we see : the nature of light --;How we see : the human visual system --;Color vision --;Hearing : from vibration to sound --;What we hear : the nature of sound --;The path of sound --;The chemical and body senses : smell, taste, touch, and position --;The skin and body senses --;Perception --;Perception of shape --;Depth perception --;Perception of motion --;Perceptual constancies --;Perceptual illusions --;The Müller-Lyer illusion --;The moon illusion --;Effects of experience on perceptual interpretations --;4. Consciousness and its variations --;Consciousness : experiencing the private "I" --;Biological and environmental "clocks" that regulate consciousness --;The suprachiasmatic nucleus : the body's clock --;Circadian rhythms and sunlight : the 24.2-hour day --;Sleep --;The onset of sleep and hypnagogic hallucinations --;Dreams and mental activity during sleep --;Sleep and memory formation --;Dream themes and imagery --;The significance of dreams --;Sleep disorders --;Insomnia --;Obstructive sleep apnea : blocked breathing --;Narcolepsy --;The parasomnias --;Hypnosis --;Meditation --;Psychoactive drugs --;The depressants : alcohol, barbiturates, inhalants, and tranquilizers --;The opiates : from poppies to Demerol --;The stimulants : caffeine, nicotine, amphetamines, and cocaine --;Psychedelic drugs : mescaline, LSD, and marijuana --;Designer "club" drugs : ecstasy and the dissociative anesthetic drugs --;Basic psychological processes. 5. Learning --;Classical conditioning : associating stimuli --;From Pavlov to Watson : the founding of behaviorism --;Conditioned emotional reactions --;Contemporary views of classical conditioning --;Cognitive aspects of classical conditioning : reliable signals --;Evolutionary aspects of classical conditioning : biological predispositions to learn --;Operant conditioning : associating behaviors and consequences --;Thorndike and Law of Effect --;B.F. Skinner and the search for "order in behavior" --;Reinforcement --;Punishment --;Discriminative stimuli --;Shaping and maintaining behavior --;Contemporary views of operant conditioning --;Cognitive aspects --;Learned helplessness : expectations of failure and learning to quit --;Operant conditioning and biological predispositions --;Observational learning in animals --;6. Memory --;Stage model of memory --;Sensory memory --;Short-term, working memory --;Long-term memory --;Retrieval : getting information from long -term memory --;Retrieval cues --;Encoding specificity principle --;Flashbulb memories --;Forgetting : when retrieval fails --;Hermann Ebbinghaus : the forgetting curve --;Imperfect memories : errors, distortions, and false memories --;The search for the biological basis of memory --;Search for the elusive memory trace --;The role of neurons in long-term memory --;Processing memories in the brain : clues from amnesia --;7. Thinking, language, and intelligence --;The building blocks of thought : mental imagery and concepts --;Solving problems and making decisions --;Language and thought --;The characteristics of language --;Animal communication : can animals learn language? --;Measuring intelligence --;Development of intelligence tests --;Nature of intelligence --;Theories of intelligence --;The roles of genetics and environment in determining intelligence --;Cross-culture studies of group discrimination and IQ differences --;8. Motivation and emotion --;Motivation concepts and theories --;Instinct theories --;Drive theories --;Incentive motivation --;Arousal theory --;Humanistic theory --;Biological motivation : hunger and eating --;Energy homeostasis --;Excess weight and obesity --;Human sexuality --;The stages of human sexual response --;Psychological needs as motivators --;Maslow's hierarchy of needs --;Deci and Ryan's self-determination theory --;Competence and achievement motivation --;Emotion --;Functions of emotion --;Subjective experience of emotion --;Neuroscience of emotion --;Expression of emotion : making faces --;Theories of emotion : explaining emotion --;The James-Lange theory of emotion --;Cognitive theories of emotion --;Closing theories : motivation and emotion. The development of self --;9. Lifespan development --;Introduction : your life story --;Genetic contributions to your life story --;Your unique genotype --;Prenatal development --;The germinal and embryonic periods --;Prenatal brain development --;The fetal period --;Development during infancy and childhood --;Physical development --;Social and personality development --;Language development --;Gender-role development --;Gender differences in childhood behavior --;Cognitive development --;Adolescence --;Physical and sexual development --;social development --;Identity formation : Erikson's theory of psychosocial development --;The development of moral reasoning --;Adult development --;Physical changes --;Social development --;Late adulthood and aging --;Cognitive changes --;Social development --;The final chapter : dying and death --;10. Personality --;The person in social context --;Introduction : what is personality? --;The psychoanalytic perspective on personality --;Life of Sigmund Freud --;Freud's dynamic theory of personality --;Personality development : the psychosexual stages --;The Neo-Freudians : Freud's descendants and dissenters --;Evaluating Freud and the psychoanalytic perspective on personality --;the humanistic perspective on personality --;Emergence of the "thrid force" --;Carl Rogers : on becoming a person --;The social cognitive perspective on personality --;Albert Bandura and social cognitive theory --;The trait perspective on personality --;Surface traits and source traits --;Two representative trait theories : Raymond Cattell and Hans Eysenck --;The five-factor model --;Personality traits and behavioral genetics --;Assessing personality : psychological tests --;Projective tests --;Self-report inventories --;11. Social psychology --;Psychological problems, disorders, and treatment --;Introduction : what is social psychology? --;Person perception : forming impressions of other people --;Social categorization --;Attribution : explaining behavior --;Self-serving bias --;The social psychology of attitudes --;Effect of attitudes on behavior --;Effect of behavior on attitudes --;Understanding prejudice --;From stereotypes to prejudice --;Conformity : following the crowd --;Factors influencing conformity --;Culture and conformity --;Obedience : just following orders --;Milgram's original obedience experiment --;Conditions that under mine obedience --;Asch, Milgram, and the real world : implications of the classic social influence studies --;Helping behavior : coming to the aid of strangers --;12.
Stress, health, and coping --;Introduction : what is stress? --;Sources of stress --;Physical effects of stress : the mind-body connection --;Stress and the endocrine system --;Stress and the immune system --;Individual factors that influence the response to stress --;Coping : how people deal with stress --;Problem-focused and emotion-focused coping --;Culture and coping strategies. 13. Psychological disorders --;Introduction : understanding psychological disorders --;Anxiety disorders : intense apprehension and worry --;Generalized anxiety disorder --;Panic attacks and panic disorders --;The phobias --;Post-traumatic stress disorder --;Obsessive-compulsive disorder --;Mood disorders : emotions gone awry --;Major depression --;Bipolar disorder --;Eating disorders : anorexia and bulimia --;Personality disorders : maladaptive traits --;Paranoid personality disorder --;Antisocial personality disorder --;Borderline personality disorder : chaos and emptiness --;The dissociative disorders : fragmentation of the self --;Dissociative amnesia and fugue : forgetting and wandering --;Dissociative identity disorder : multiple personalities --;Schizophrenia : a different reality --;Symptoms --;Types --;Prevalence and course --;14. Therapies --;Introduction : psychotherapy and biomedical therapy --;Psychoanalytic therapy --;Sigmund Freud and psychoanalysis --;Short-term dynamic therapies --;Humanistic therapy --;Carl Rogers and client-centered therapy --;Behavior therapy --;Techniques based on classical conditioning --;Techniques based on operant conditioning --;Cognitive therapies --;Albert Ellis and rational-emotive therapy --;Aaron Beck and cognitive therapy --;Cognitive-behavioral therapy --;Group and family therapy --;Group therapy --;Family and couple therapy --;Evaluating the effectiveness of psychotherapy --;Biomedical therapies --;Antipsychotic medications --;Antianxiety medications --;Lithium --;Antidepressant medications --;Electroconvulsive therapy --;Appendix A. Statistics : understanding data --;Descriptive statistics --;Inferential statistics --;Appendix B. Industrial/organizational psychology --;Job analysis --;Personnel selection --;Organizational behavior --;Job satisfaction --;Leadership --;Workplace trends and issues --;Workforce diversity --;Telework and telecommuting --;Internet recruiting --;Work-life balance --;Employment settings, type of training, earnings, and employment outlook --;Appendix C. APA goals and outcomes.