Papers from the 2nd Mediterranean Morphology Meeting, Malta, 10-12 September 1999 (guest editor: R. Fabri). On some issues in morphological exponence; S. Anderson. Lexeme-based separationist morphology: evidence from the history of Greek deverbal abstracts; G. Horrocks, M. Stavrou. Haplology involving morphologically bound and free elements: evidence from Romanian; A. Ortmann, A. Popescu. Syntax as an exponent of morphological features; L. Sadler, A. Spencer. The morphosyntax of Austronesian languages (guest editor: M. Klamer). Phrasal emotion predicates in three languages of Eastern Indonesia; M. Klamer. Linking in Tagalog: Argument encoding determined by the aspectual properties of arguments; A. Latrouite. Pronouns and morphology: undergoer subject clauses in Indonesian; S. Musgrave. Other articles. Dalabon pronominal prefixes and the typology of syncretism: a Network Morphology analysis; N. Evans, et al. A correspondence-theoretic analysis of Dalabon transitive paradigms; D. Wunderlich. Pattern analogy vs. word-internal syntactic structure in West-Greenlandic; S. Neuvel. Copulative compounds: a closer look at the distinction between morphology and syntax; S. Olsen. Reviews. Review of Lunella Mereu (ed.), Boundaries of morphology and syntax; A.R. Luis. Review of Ingo Plag, Morphological Productivity. Structural constrains in English word formation; A. Spencer. Book Notices.
Grammar, Comparative and general -- Morphology -- Periodicals.