TABLE OF CONTENTS Editor's Notes Dates for Chinese Historical Periods and Events Vatican History (List of Popes) List of Images Preface 1. Chinese Catholicism: An Overview; Cindy Yik-yi Chu 2. Writing the History of the Catholic Church in China: Historiography, 1900-Present; Patrick M. W. Taveirne PART I: Catholic Missions in Local China 3. American Jesuits and the China Mission: The Woodstock Letters, 1900-1969; Mark DeStephano 4. Out of the Ashes: Remembrance and Reconstruction in Catholic Shanxi, 1900-Present; Anthony E. Clark 5. Vincentian Missionaries in Jiangxi Province: Extending an American Catholic Community to China, 1921-1951; John Harney PART II: Religion, Politics, and Culture: Cross-Cultural Issues in the Chinese Catholic Church 6. Ending Civil Patronage: The Beginning of a New Era for the Catholic Missions in China, 1926; Sergio Ticozzi 7. Catholic Bible Translation in Twentieth-Century China: An Overview; Daniel K. T. Choi & George K. W. Mak 8. Indigenizing Catholic Architecture in China: From Western-Gothic to Sino-Christian Design, 1900-1940; Thomas Coomans PART III: Catholicism and Politics in the Post-Mao Period 9. China and the Vatican, 1979-Present; Cindy Yik-yi Chu 10. Taiwan's Role in the Chinese Catholic Church: The Bridging Endeavor; Beatrice Leung & Wen-ban Kuo 11. Sino-Vatican Relations under Pope Benedict XVI: From Promising Beginnings to Overt Confrontation; Jean-Paul Wiest CONCLUSION: The Church in China Today and the Road Ahead 12. The Catholic Church's Role in the African Diaspora in Guangzhou, China; Shanshan Lan 13. The Task of Religion in Secular Society: The Challenges Ahead for Christianity in China; Ambrose Ih-Ren Mong