1 Papillomaviruses: General Description, Taxonomy, and Classification.- I. Introduction.- II. Properties of the Virions.- A. Particle Structure and Protein Composition.- B. Nucleic Acid.- III. Biological Properties.- A. Characteristics of the Benign Tumors.- B. Immune Response of the Host.- C. Malignant Conversion-General Aspects.- IV. Classification and Nomenclature.- V. Description of Virus Types.- A. Human Papillomaviruses.- B. Bovine Papillomaviruses.- C. Other Papillomaviruses from Animals.- VI. Evolutionary Aspects.- A. Papillomaviruses and Miopapovaviruses.- B. Evolution of Papillomaviruses.- C. Papillomaviruses from Epidermodysplasia Verruciformis.- D. Reservoir of Papillomaviruses.- References.- 2 Animal Papillomas: Historical Perspectives.- I. Canine Oral Papillomatosis.- II. Shope Rabbit Papilloma.- III. Equine Papillomatosis.- IV. Bovine Papillomatosis.- V. Papillomatosis in Sheep.- VI. Oral Papillomatosis of Rabbits.- VII. Deer Fibromatosis.- VIII. European Elk Papillomaviruses.- IX. Viral Papillomatosis in Other Animals.- References.- 3 Organization and Expression of Papillomavirus Genomes.- I. Introduction.- II. General Properties of Papillomavirus Genomes.- III. The Genome of BPV-1.- A. Organization of the E (Transforming)-Region.- B. Organization of the L-Region.- C. The Noncoding Region.- D. Transcriptional Signals.- E. The Origin of DNA Replication.- IV. Comparative Anatomy of Papillomavirus Genomes.- A. Features of the HPV-la Genome.- B. Features of the HPV-6b Genome.- C. Features of the CRPV Genome.- D. Features of Other Papillomavirus Genomes.- V. Predicted Functions of Papillomavirus Proteins.- VI. Transcriptional Organization of Papillomavirus Genomes.- A. RNAs Expressed in Rodent Cells Transformed by BPV-1.- B. mRNAs Transcribed in Virus-Producing BPV-1-Induced Fibropapillomas.- C. The Transcription Map of the BPV-1 Genome Is Incomplete.- D. Transcriptional Organization of the CRPV Genome.- E. Common Features between BPV-1 and CRPV Transcription.- F. Transcriptional Organization of Human Papillomavirus Genomes.- VII. Conclusions.- References.- 4 The Expression of Papillomaviruses in Epithelial Cells.- I. Introduction.- II. Epithelium and Keratinization.- III. Behavioral Classification of PVs.- IV. Histological Characteristics of PV-Induced Lesions.- V. Transformation.- VI. Vegetative Viral Growth.- VII. Cytopathic Effects.- VIII. Expression of PV in Cultured Keratinocytes.- IX. Expression of PV in Malignant Cells.- X. Conclusions.- References.- 5 Papillomavirus Transformation.- I. Introduction.- II. Transformation Biology.- III. Transcription.- IV. Transforming Functions.- A. Genetics.- B. E6 Gene.- C. E5 Gene.- D. E2 Gene.- V. Plasmid Maintenance Functions.- A. Cis Elements.- B. Trans Functions.- VI. Summary and Conclusions.- References.- 6 Papillomaviruses and Carcinogenic Progression I: Cottontail Rabbit (Shope) Papillomavirus.- I. Introduction.- II. Biological Properties of the System.- A. Virus Multiplication and Tumor Induction.- B. Tumor Progression.- C. Interaction with Chemical Carcinogens.- D. Regression.- III. Molecular Aspects of the System.- A. The Virus and Viral Genome.- B. State of the Viral DNA.- C. Viral Transcripts.- D. Conclusion.- References.- 7 Papillomaviruses and Carcinogenic Progression II: The Mastomys natalensis Papillomavirus.- I. The Animal System.- II. Epithelial Skin Tumors in Mastomys.- III. Identification of MnPV as the Causative Agent of Skin Tumors.- IV. Characterization of the Virus.- V. Persistence of MnPV Genomes in Normal Tissues.- VI. Accumulation of Viral DNA in Normal Skin during Aging.- VII. MnPV Genome Expression in Tumors.- VIII. Induction of MnPV by Tumor Promoters.- IX. Induction of Antibodies against MnPV in Mastomys.- References.- 8 Epidermodysplasia Verruciformis.- I. Introduction.- II. Clinical Aspects of EV.- A. Clinical Course of the Disease.- B. Morphology of EV Lesions.- III. Histology and Ultrastructure of EV Lesions.- A. Benign Lesions.- B. Malignant Lesions.- IV. Genetic Factors in EV.- V Immunological Factors in EV.- A. Humoral Immunity.- B. Cell-Mediated Immunity.- C. Regression of EV.- VI. HPV Types Associated with EV.- A. Multiplicity and Specificity.- B. Biochemical Properties.- C. HPV Infection in EV Patients.- VII. Role of HPVs in EV Carcinomas.- A. HPV Types Found in EV Cancers.- B. Physical State of HPV Genomes.- C. Expression of HPV Genomes.- VIII. HPVs and Skin Neoplasia in Non-EV Patients.- A Immunodepression or Immunosuppression.- B. General Population.- IX. In Vitro Studies on EV HPVs.- X. Questions Raised by EV.- A. Plurality of HPVs.- B. Control of HPV Infection.- C. Cofactors in HPV Oncogenesis.- D. Mechanisms of Tumor Progression.- References.- 9 The Role of Papillomaviruses in Human Anogenital Cancer.- I. Introduction and Historical Aspects.- II. Isolation of Genital Papillomaviruses and Their Characterization.- III. Biology of Genital Papillomavirus Infections.- IV. HPV DNA Sequences in Cell Lines.- V. State of Viral DNA in Benign and Malignant Lesions.- VI. Interaction of Papillomavirus Infections with Initiators in Malignant Conversion.- VII. Association of Malignant Tumors with Genital Papillomavirus Infections at Extragenital Sites.- References.- 10 Laryngeal Papillomas: Clinical Aspects and in Vitro Studies.- I. Introduction.- II. Clinical Description.- III. Treatment.- A. Physical Treatment.- B. Surgical Treatment.- C. Medical Treatment.- D. Immunotherapy.- IV. Pathology.- V. Molecular and Cellular Biology.- A. Etiology.- B. Tissue Culture Studies.- VI. Laryngeal Papillomas and Laryngeal Cancer.- VII. Major Unanswered Questions.- References.- 11 Papillomavirus Cloning Vectors.- I. Introduction.- II. Transformation by Bovine Papillomavirus.- III. Development of BPV-1 Vectors.- IV. Expression of Genes Cloned on BPV-1.- A. Human ?-Globin Gene.- B. Metallothioneins.- C. Hepatitis B Surface Antigen.- D. Human ?-Interferon Gene.- E. Mouse Mammary Tumor Virus.- F. Polypeptide Hormones.- G. Other Genes.- V. Stability of BPV-1 Recombinants.- VI. Future Directions.- References.- Appendix Sequence Analysis of Papillomavirus Genomes.- Carl C. Baker.- I. Papillomavirus Sequences.- II. Restriction Site Analysis.- III. Genome Organization.- IV. Protein Comparisons.- A. E1 ORF.- B. E2 ORF.- C. E4 ORF.- D. E5 ORF.- E. E6 ORF.- F. E7 ORF.- G. L1 ORF.- H. L2 ORF.- References.