Contemporary issues in biomedicine, ethics, and society
Originally publ. 1983.
Introduction: `Platonists' and `Aristotelians'.- Section I: Nonhumans in the Eyes and Minds of Humans.- Animal Rights, Human Wrongs.- Animal Rights Revisited.- Knowing Our Place in the Animal World.- The Clouded Mirror: Animal Stereotypes and Human Cruelty.- Section II: Morality, Legality, and Animals.- Moral Community and Moral Order: The Intensive and Extensive Limits of Interaction.- The Legal and Moral Bases of Animal Rights.- Section III: Humans and Other Animals-Killing.- Life, Death, and Animals.- Killing Persons and Other Beings.- Interspecific Justice and Animal Slaughter.- Section IV: Humans and Other Animals-Linkages and Likenesses.- Humans, Animals, and `Animal Behavior'.- Ecology, Morality, and Hunting.- Humans as Hunting Animals.- Apes and Language Research.- Section V: Human Interests, Porcine Interests, and Chipmunk Interests.- The Priority of Human Interests.- Comments on "The Priority of Human Interests,".- The Case Against Raising and Killing Animals for Food.- Postscript.- Section VI: Animal Rights?.- Do Animals Have a Right to Life?.- On Why We Would Do Better To Jettison Moral Rights.- Section VII: Breadth of Vision.- Philosophy, Ecology, Animal Welfare, and the `Rights' Question.- Deciding What to Kill.- Section VIII: Facts and Acts.- Chicken-Environment Interactions.- Against A Scientific Justification of Animal Experiments.- "Animal Liberation" as Crime: The Hawaii Dolphin Case.- Fighting for Animal Rights: Issues and Strategies.- Epilog.- Works Cited.