I Index; 15 Concluding Remarks and Future Gazing; Howard Lyons, Phil Crowther, Liz Sharples, Chiara Orefice, and Daryl May; 14 Industry Insights; Phil Crowther; 13 Capturing the Learning; Daryl May and Lindsey May ; 12 Strategic Event Evaluation; Katrin Stefansdottir and Anjalina Pradhan; 11 Realising a Legacy; Stewart Hilland; 10 Marketing Events: Three perspectives to support strategic event creation; Craig Hirst and Richard Tressider; 9 Food and Function ; Liz Sharples; 8 Creating the Eventscape; Jane Tattersall and Richard Cooper; 7 Designing and Mapping Event Experiences. Colin Beard 6 Community Outcomes; Gareth Roberts and David Strafford ; 5 Understanding Sponsors' and Partners' Motivations; Leah Donlan; 4 What's in it for the Attendee?; Jonathan Moss; 3 Setting the Event Host Objectives: a Framework for Business Value Creation; Chiara Orefice; 2 Stakeholder Centric Approach; James Bostock; 1 Strategic Event Creation; Phil Crowther; _GoBack; _ENREF_1; _ENREF_2; _ENREF_3; _ENREF_4; _ENREF_5; _ENREF_6; _ENREF_7; _ENREF_8; _ENREF_9; _ENREF_10; _ENREF_11; _ENREF_12; _ENREF_13; _ENREF_14; _ENREF_15; _ENREF_16; _ENREF_17; _ENREF_18; _ENREF_19; _ENREF_20. _ENREF_21_GoBack; _GoBack; _GoBack; h.1fob9te; h.3znysh7; h.tyjcwt; h.3dy6vkm; h.2s8eyo1; h.3rdcrjn; h.26in1rg; h.lnxbz9; h.35nkun2; h.1ksv4uv; h.44sinio; h.mr53yyrvcur2; h.1ci93xb; h.3whwml4; _GoBack; _GoBack; _GoBack; _GoBack; _GoBack.
The first text to move away from an older paradigm of simply 'making events work' and managing inputs, to show how to manage a sector that now needs to be: outcome obsessed, stakeholder centric, strategically focused and driven by strategically aware reflective professionals.