Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Voltage and CurrentChapter 3: ResistanceChapter 4: Ohm's Law, Power, and EnergyChapter 5: Series dc CircuitsChapter 6: Parallel dc CircuitsChapter 7: Series-Parallel CircuitsChapter 8: Methods of Analysis and Selected Topics (dc)Chapter 9: Network TheoremsChapter 10: CapacitorsChapter 11: InductorsChapter 12: Magnetic CircuitsChapter 13: Sinusoidal Alternating WaveformsChapter 14: The Basic Elements and PhasorsChapter 15: Series and Parallel ac CircuitsChapter 16:Series-Parallel ac NetworksChapter 17: Methods of Analysis and Selected Topics (ac)Chapter 18: Network Theorems (ac)Chapter 19: Power (ac)Chapter 20: ResonanceChapter 21: TransformersChapter 22: Polyphase SystemsChapter 23: Pulse Waveforms and the R-C ResponseChapter 24: Nonsinusoidal Circuits APPENDICES INDEX