1 Introduction --;Group 1 --;Analysis of Genetic Effects by Test System --;2 Mutagenicity of Selected Chemicals in in Escherichiacoli DNA Repair Deficient Assays --;3 Mutagenicity of Selected Chemicals in the Rec-Assay in Bacillussubtilis --;4 Mutagenicity of Selected Chemicals in the Salmonella/Microsome Mutagenicity Test --;5 Mutagenicity of Selected Chemicals in Escherichiacoli Test Systems --;6 Mutagenicity of Selected Chemicals in Neurosporacrassa --;7 Mutagenicity of Selected Chemicals in Yeast: Mutation-Induction at Specific Loci --;8 Mutagenicity of Selected Chemicals in Yeast: Mitotic Recombination, Gene Conversion, and Nondisjunction --;9 Mutagenicity of Selected Chemicals in Drosophila --;10 Mutagenicity of Selected Chemicals in Soybean Test Systems --;11 Mutagenicity of Selected Chemicals in Barley Test Systems --;12 Mutagenicity of Selected Chemicals in Barley: Repair and Recovery --;13 Mutagenicity of Ethyl Methanesulfonate, Mitomycin C, and Vinyl Chloride in the Tradescantia Test Systems --;14 Mutagenicity of Selected Chemicals in Viciafaba and Alliumcepa Test Systems --;15 Mutagenicity of Selected Chemicals in the Host-Mediated Assay --;16 Mutagenicity of Selected Chemicals in Specific Loci of Cultured Mammalian Cells --;17 Mutagenicity of Selected Chemicals in Mammalian In Vitro Cytogenetic Systems --;18 Mutagenicity of Selected Chemicals in the Mammalian Dominant Lethal Assay --;19 Mutagenicity of Selected Chemicals in Sister-Chromatid Exchange Assays --;20 Mutagenicity of Selected Chemicals in In Vivo Cytogenetic Assays --;21 Mutagenicity of Selected Chemicals in Unscheduled DNA Synthesis Assays --;22 Mutagenicity of Selected Chemicals in the Mammalian Micronucleus Test --;23 Mutagenicity of Selected Chemicals in Mammals: The Heritable Translocation Test --;24 Mutagenicity of Selected Chemicals in the Mammalian Spot Test --;25 Mutagenicity of Selected Chemicals in Induction of Specific Locus Mutations in Mice --;Group 2 --;Analysis of Genetic Effects by Test Chemical --;26 Comparative Mutagenicity of Methyl Methanesulfonate and Ethyl Methanesulfonate --;27 Comparative Mutagenicity of Dimethylnitrosamine and Diethylnitrosamine --;28 Comparative Mutagenicity of Aflatoxin Bl and Vinyl Chloride --;29 Comparative Mutagenicity of N-Methyl-N?-Nitro-N-Nitrosoguanidine and ICR-170 --;30 Comparative Mutagenicity of Myleran and Cyclophosphamide --;31 Comparative Mutagenicity of TEPA, ThioTEPA, and MeTEPA --;32 Comparative Mutagenicity of TEM, Trenimon and Ethylenimine --;33 Comparative Mutagenicity of Procarbazine (Natulan) --;34 Comparative Mutagenicity of Mitomycin C --;35 Comparative Mutagenicity of Epichlorohydrin and Cadmium --;Risk Estimation --;36 Comparative Chemical Mutagenicity: Can We Make Risk Estimates? --;37 Establishment of Requirements for Estimation of Risk for the Human Population.
) 27709 The Workshop on Comparative Chemical Mutagenesis was orga- nized to begin the process of problem identification and resolution concerning our needs to evaluate the data on test chemicals arising from assays for mutagenic activity on laboratory organisms.