Section I Evolution of Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy and History of Treatment --;Section II Structure and Function --;Section III Endocrine Control --;Section IV Neurophysiology of Obstruction --;Section V Urodynamic Evaluation of Obstruction --;Section VI Local Effects of Obstruction --;Section VII Secondary Effects of Obstruction --;Section VIII Indications for Operation --;Section IX Surgical Treatment --;Section X Results of Surgery --;Section XI Annotated Bibliography --;I Evolution of Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy and History of Treatment --;II Structure and Function --;III Endocrine Control --;IV Neurophysiology of Obstruction --;V Urodynamic Evaluation of Obstruction --;VI Local Effects of Obstruction --;VII Secondary Effects of Obstruction --;VIII Indications for Operation --;IX Surgical Treatment --;X Results of Surgery.