edited by Constantin Papavasiliou, Theophanis Cambouris, Phaedon Fessas.
Berlin, Heidelberg
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
(xiii, 154 pages 109 illustrations)
I General --;1 Introduction --;2 Thalassemia: Basic Genetics and Molecular Defects --;3 Thalassemia: Pathophysiology, Clinical and Laboratory Findings --;II Imaging --;4 Radiological Bone Changes in Thalassemia Major --;5 Osseous X-Ray Findings in Thalassemia Minor --;6 A Reappraisal of Some Skeletal Changes in Currently Treated?-Thalassemia --;7 Grading System of Osseous Changes in Thalassemia --;8 Computed Tomography Evaluation of the Upper Abdomen in?-Thalassemia --;9 Scintigraphic Evaluation of Organ Dysfunction in Thalassemia --;10 Abdominal Ultrasonography in?-Thalassemia --;11 Cardiac Complications in Thalassemia Syndromes: Clinical and Radiological Considerations --;12 Radiological Aspects of Marrow Heterotopia in Thalassemia --;13 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Marrow Heterotopia in the Hemoglobinopathies --;III Management and Prevention --;14 Effect of Radiotherapy on Symptoms due to Marrow Heterotopia in?-Thalassemia --;15 Bone Marrow Transplantation for Thalassemia Major: The Place of Irradiation --;16 Partial Splenic Embolization in the Management of Thalassemia --;17 Ultrasound-Guided Procedures for Prenatal Diagnosis of Hemoglobinopathies.
Estimates reveal that there are some 200 million heterozygous carriers of abnormal hemoglobins genes worldwide, and tens of thousands of severely affected patients. Interventional radiology, marrow transplantation, prenatal diagnosis by ultrasonography, and radiotherapy for bone marrow heterotopia are also featured.
Human genetics.
Medical radiology.
edited by Constantin Papavasiliou, Theophanis Cambouris, Phaedon Fessas.