Schizophrenia --;Reflections on the History of Psychopharmacology --;Receptor Interactions of Dopamine and Serotonin Antagonists: Binding In Vitro and In Vivo and Receptor Regulation --;PET Scanning --;A New Tool in Clinical Psychopharmacology --;Pharmacokinetics of Neuroleptic Drugs and the Utility of Plasma Level Monitoring --;Neuroleptic Drugs in the Treatment of Acute Psychosis: How Much Do We Really Know? --;Observations on the Use of Depot Neuroleptics in Schizophrenia --;Neuroleptic Side Effects: Acute Extrapyramidal Syndromes and Tardive Dyskinesia --;Future Treatment of Schizophrenia --;A Clinician's Comments on Current Trends in Psychopharmacology of Schizophrenia --;Affective Disorders --;Treating Depression in Acute Stage: Biochemical and Clinical Aspects --;Pharmacological Management of Treatment-Resistant Depression --;Is There a Long-Term Protective Effect of Mood-Altering Agents in Unipolar Depressive Disorder? --;Lithium in Manic-Depressive Illness: Plusses, Pitfalls, and Perspectives --;Basic and Clinical Aspects of the Activity of the New Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors --;Unsolved Problems in the Pharmacotherapy of Depression --;Anxiety, Dementia, and Other Special Topics --;Long-Term Treatment of Anxiety: Benefits and Drawbacks --;Future Directions in Anxiety Research --;Dementia: Classification and Aspects of Treatment --;Test Models and New Directions in Dementia Research --;On Current Research in Affective Disorders.
The etiology, pathogenetic mechanisms, clinical aspects, and future directions of research in schizophrenia, affective disorders, anxiety, and dementia are addressed.