Phaenomenologica, Collection Publiée Sous Le Patronage Des Centres D'Archives-Husserl, 37.
One --;I. Modes of Givenness --;II. The Given --;III. Thought and Action --;IV. Meaning and Truth-I --;V. Meaning and Truth-II --;VI. Language and Reality --;VII. On Reference --;VIII. Remarks on the Content Theory --;IX. Phenomenology and Ontology --;Two --;X.A Note on Modern Nominalism --;XI. A recent Criticism of the Foundations of Nicolai Hartmann's Ontology --;XII. Remarks on Nicolai Hartmann's Modal Doctrine --;XIII. The 'Object' in Edmund Husserl's Phenomenology --;XIV. Individual Fact and Essence in Edmund Husserl's Philosophy --;XV. Gilbert Ryle's Criticisms of the Concept of Consciousness --;XVI. On G.E. Moore's Defence of Common sense --;Three --;XVII. Reflections on the Ny?ya theory of Avayavipratyaksa --;XVIII. Ny?ya Theory of Doubt.
Most of the essays that follow have originally appeared in philosophical journals, Indian and Western. For permission to reprint, I have to thank the editors of the journals and books in which the essays originally appeared. Phenomenology and Ontology 2 9 Part Two X. Moore's Defence of Common sense 170 Part Three XVII.