Handbuch der experimentellen Pharmakologie / Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology,, 44.
1 The Biosynthesis and Degradation of Heme --;A. Introduction --;B. Structures of Porphyrins and Hemes --;C. Function and Turnover of Hemoproteins --;D. Enzymes of Heme Biosynthesis and Degradation --;E. Conjugation of Bilirubin --;F. Control of Heme and Hemoprotein Biosynthesis --;Abbreviations --;References --;2 Induction of Hepatic Hemoproteins --;A. Introduction --;B. Use of the Term Induction in Studies on Mammalian Tissues --;C. Tryptophan Pyrrolase (Dioxygenase) --;D. Cytochromes of the Endoplasmic Reticulum --;E. Catalase --;F. Mitochondrial Cytochromes --;G. Summary of Conclusions --;Recommended Reviews --;References --;3 Inhibition of Liver Hemoprotein Synthesis --;A. Introduction --;B. Agents Inhibiting Heme Biosynthesis and Hepatic Hemoprotein Synthesis --;C. Conclusions --;Abbreviations --;References --;4 Loss of Liver Cytochrome P-450 Caused by Chemicals. Damage to the Apoprotein and Degradation of the Heme Moiety --;A. Introduction --;B. Loss of Liver Cytochrome P-450 Caused by Chemicals Which Require Metabolic Conversion to Reactive Derivatives --;C. Increased Breakdown of the Heme of Liver Cytochrome P-450 Associated with Lipid Peroxidation --;D. Loss of Liver Cytochrome P-450 Caused by the Administration of Various Metals --;References --;5 Hepatic Porphyrias Caused by 2-Allyl-2-isopropylacetamide, 3,5-Diethoxycarbonyl-1,4-dihydrocollidine, Griseofulvin and Related Compounds --;A. Introduction --;B. The Mechanism of Induction of Porphyria by Drugs --;Abbreviations --;References --;6 Porphyria Caused by Hexachlorobenzene and Other Polyhalogenated Aromatic Hydrocarbons. --;A. Introduction --;B. Properties and Metabolism of Porphyrogenic Polyhalogenated Aromatic Hydrocarbons --;C. Porphyria Caused by Hexachlorobenzene and Other Halogenated Aromatic Hydrocarbons --;D. The Effect of Polyhalogenated Aromatic Hydrocarbons on Heme Metabolism in the Liver --;E. The Mechanism of the Porphyrogenic Action of Polyhalogenated Aromatic Hydrocarbons --;F. General Conclusions --;Abbreviations --;References --;7 The Effect of Chemicals on Hepatic Heme Biosynthesis. Differences in Response to Porphyrin-Inducing Chemicals Between Chick Embryo Liver Cells, the 17-Day-Old Chick Embryo and Other Species. --;A. Introduction --;B. Porphyrin Induction in Chick Embryo Liver Cells --;C. Porphyrin Induction in 17-Day-Old Chick Embryos --;D. Porphyrin Induction in Chickens and Japanese Quail --;E. Differences in Response to Porphyrin-Inducing Drugs in Different Species and Model Test Systems --;Abbreviations --;References --;8 Pharmacogenetics in the Field of Heme Metabolism: Drug Sensitivity in Hereditary Hepatic Porphyria. --;A. Hereditary Hepatic Porphyrias --;B. Precipitation of Hereditary Hepatic Porphyria by Drugs --;C. Experimental Models for the Exacerbation of Hereditary Hepatic Porphyria by Drugs --;D. Common Basis for Induction of Hepatic ALA-Synthetase in Clinical and Experimental Porphyria --;References --;9 The Influence of Hormonal and Nutritional Factors on the Regulation of Liver Heme Biosynthesis. --;A. Introduction --;B. The Influence of Nutritional Factors --;C. The Influence of Hormonal Factors --;References --;10 Effects of Drugs on Bilirubin Metabolism. --;Definition of Certain Abnormalities of Bilirubin Metabolism --;A. Introduction --;B. Normal Bilirubin Metabolism --;C. Drug-Mediated Alterations in Bilirubin Metabolism --;References --;11 Toxic Effects of Lead, with Particular Reference to Porphyrin and Heme Metabolism. --;A. Biosynthesis of Heme --;B. Effect of Lead on the Heme Biosynthetic Pathway --;C. Toxic Effects of Exposure to Lead --;D. Biological Defense Mechanisms Against Lead --;E. Factors Affecting the Toxic Effects of Lead --;F. Diagnosis of Lead Poisoning --;G. Summary --;Abbreviations --;References --;Author Index.
The study of the biological effects of foreign chemicals (whether therapeutic drugs or chemicals present at work or in the environment) interests the biologist from a number of different and complementary viewpoints.