1. List of abbreviations; 2. Preface; 3. Introduction (by Shibatani, Masayoshi); 4. Passive and voice (by Comrie, Bernard); 5. Affectedness and control: a typology of voice systems (by Klaiman, M.H.); 6. Voice in Philippine languages (by Shibatani, Masayoshi); 7. Voice in Austronesian languages of Philippine type: passive, ergative or neither? (by Wolf, Charles M. De); 8. Voice in Indonesian: a discourse study (by Purwo, Bambang Kaswanti); 9. The passive in Slavic (by Siewierska, Anna); 10. Passiveness in Hungarian: with reference to russian passive (by Dezso, Laszlo); 11. The structure and typology of the Chinese passive construction (by Hashimoto, Mantaro J.); 12. Passiveness in Kinyarwanda (by Kimenyi, Alexandre); 13. Affected subject ('grade 7') verbs in Hausa: what are they and where do they come from? (by Jaggar, Philip J.); 14. Tale of two passives in Ute (by Givon, T.); 15. Formal and Functional aspects of the development from passive to ergative systems (by Estival, Dominique); 16. Passives in Burushaski (by Morin, Yves-Charles); 17. Mam voice (by England, Nora C.); 18. Ergative, passive and antipassive in Nex Perce: a discourse perspective (by Rude, Noel); 19. The antipassive in Chamorro: variations on the theme of transitivity (by Cooreman, Ann); 20. Antipassives in Warrungu and other Australian languages (by Tsunoda, Tasaku); 21. Antipassive in Chukchee: oblique object, object incorporation, zero object (by Kozinsky, Isaac)