The animal class Insecta and the plant family Palmae / Forrest W. Howard --;Defoliators of palms. Lepidoptera / Forrest W. Howard and Reynaldo G. Abad. Coleoptera / Forrest W. Howard and Reynaldo G. Abad. Orthoptera / Dave Moore and Forrest W. Howard. Phasmida and Hymenoptera / Forrest W. Howard --;Sap-feeders on palms / Forrest W. Howard. Hemiptera: Heteroptera / Forrest W. Howard. Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha / Forrest W. Howard and Michael R. Wilson. Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha / Forrest W. Howard. Thysanoptera / Forrest W. Howard. Acari / Dave Moore and Forrest W. Howard --;Insects of palm flowers and fruits / Dave Moore --;Borers of palms / Robin M. Giblin-Davis --;Population regulation of palm pests / Dave Moore --;Principles of insect pest control on palms / Forrest W. Howard --;Field techniques for studies of palm insects / Forrest W. Howard.
This book reviews the inter-relationships between palms and insects, emphasising the similarities in different world regions.