IFIP TC6/WG6.8 Working Conference on Personal Wireless Communications (PWC'2000), September 14-15, 2000, Gdańsk, Poland
edited by Józef Woźniak, Jerzy Konorski.
New York
International Federation for Information Processing (Series), 51.
Wireless Internet Architectures: Selected Issues (invited paper) --;A Modified CDMA/PRMA Medium Access Control Protocol for Voice Users in LEO Systems --;Packet Scheduling in Wireless LANs --;A Framework for a Noncooperative Paradigm --;MAC Protocol for Wireless ATM --;Channel Reservation Methods --;Quality of Service Aspects of Transport Technologies for the UMTS Radio Access Network (invited paper) --;Resource Allocation in a Cellular CDMA Environment --;An Improved Speech and Channel Coding for GSM System --;A Picocellular CDMA/TDD Overlay on GSM --;Design of Interoperability Checking Sequences Against WAP --;A Comparative Study on Distributed Location Management Strategies in Wireless Networks --;Resource Allocation in Cellular Wireless Systems (invited paper) --;Evaluation of Traffic Carried by ATM Wireless Access Link Controlled by MEDIAN Protocol --;Minimum GPRS Bandwidth for Acceptable H.261 Video QoS --;A Performance Analysis of IEEE 802.11 Networks in the Presence of Hidden Stations --;An Overview of Activities on Wireless Networks in the European Project COST 257 (invited paper) --;End-to-End and Redirection Delays in IP Based Mobility --;Agent Based Seamless IP Multicast Receiver Handover --;Predistortion for Solid State Amplifier of Mobile Radio Systems --;Adaptive Antenna Technique for Mobile Communication --;Robust Noise Reduction and Echo Cancellation --;Estimation of The Channel Impulse Response for GSM System --;Keyword Index.
There are numerous factors contributing to the dynamic growth of wireless communication systems we've been observing in the past 10 years, the most important being the increasing network user mobility and the technological advances in high-speed data transmission over radio channels.
Computer science.
Data structures (Computer science)
Personal communication service systems -- Congresses.