Previous edition: published as Build your own ASP.NET 2.0 Website using C♯ & VB.NET. 2006.;Includes index.
1. Introducing ASP.NET and the .NET platform --;2. ASP.NET basics --;3. VB and C# programming basics --;4. Constructing ASP.NET Web pages --;5. Building Web applications --;6. Using the validation controls --;7. Database design and development --;8. Speaking SQL --;9. Ado.Net --;10. Displaying content using data lists --;11. Managing content using grid view and details view --;12. Advanced data access --;13. Security and user authentication --;14. Working with files and email --;15. Asp.Net Ajax --;Appendix A. Web control reference --;Appendix B. Deploying ASP.NET Web sites.
ASP.NET 3.5 Web site using C♯ & VB;ASP.NET 3.5 Web site using C♯ and VB