1 Effector Sites on Antibodies --;I. Introduction --;II. General Structure and Organization of Immunoglobulins --;III. Effector Functions Mediated by Antibodies --;IV. Conclusions --;V. References --;2 Antigenic Features of Immunoglobulins --;I. Introduction --;II. Basic Features of Antigenic Determinants --;III. Constant Region Determinants --;IV. Allotypic Markers --;V. Variable Region Determinants --;VI. Interspecies Antigenic Determinants --;VII. Other Significant Immunoglobulin Determinants --;VIII. Summary and Conclusions --;IX. References --;3 Combining Regions of Antibodies --;I. Background --;II. Structural Studies --;III. Structure-Function Relationships --;IV. Biological Significance of Antigen Binding --;V. Summary --;VI. References --;4 Biochemistry and Biological Reactions of Complement Proteins --;I. Introduction --;II. Classical Pathway --;III. Alternative Pathway --;IV. The Complement Attack Mechanism --;V. Conclusion --;VI. Addendum --;VII. References --;5 Immunochemistry of Bovine Serum Albumin --;I. Introduction --;II. Structure of Bovine Serum Albumin --;III. Immunochemistry of Chemical Derivatives of Bovine Serum Albumin --;IV. Immunochemistry of Fragments of Bovine Serum Albumin --;V. Immunochemical Studies on Human Serum Albumin --;VI. Structural and Immunochemical Studies on Serum Albumin from Various Species --;VII. Conclusion --;VIII. References --;Author Index.
The structural features responsible for the immunogenicity of certain parts of native protein molecules have been of interest to immunochem- ists and protein chemists for over three decades.