Volume 3: Structure, Physiology, and Genetic Adaptability
edited by Jeanne S. Poindexter, Edward R. Leadbetter.
Boston, MA
Springer US
Bacteria in nature, 3.
1 The Structure of Bacteria --;A Fundamental Design for Bacteria --;Necessity of Organelles --;Discrete Organelles within the Cytoplasm --;Organelles Associated with the Cell Surface --;The Cytosol --;Bacteria in Nature --;Concluding Remarks --;References --;2 Growth and Survival of Bacteria --;Growth of Bacteria --;Survival of Bacteria --;Conclusions --;References --;3 Chemistry and Metabolism of Intracellular Reserves --;Criteria for Classification of a Substance Having Energy-Storage Function --;Glycogen and Other?-1,4-Glucans --;d( --;)-Poly-?-Hydroxybutyric Acid --;Polyphosphate --;General Conclusions --;References --;4 Chemical Unity and Diversity in Bacterial Catabolism --;Physiological Determinants of Degradative Pathways: The Need to Satisfy Energy Requirements in a Variety of Environments --;Enzymes Used to Prepare the Structures of Growth Substrates for Participation in Energy-Yielding Processes --;Bacterial Degradation of Synthetic Compounds --;Abiotic Transformation of Environmental Pollutants --;Summary --;References --;5 Biotic and Abiotic Release of Inorganic Substances Exploited by Bacteria --;Nature of the Inorganic Environment --;Conditions Supporting Microbe-Mediated Release of Inorganic Substances --;Physiological and Metabolic Mechanisms Responsible for Solubilization of Inorganic Substances --;Bacterial Exploitation of Inorganic Substances Released from Minerals and Rocks --;Practical Applications of Microbe-Mediated Release of Inorganic Substances --;Summary --;References --;6 Regulation of Bacterial Gene Expression --;Target Points for Genetic Regulation --;Conclusions --;References --;7 Constancy and Change in Bacterial Genomes --;Constant Features of Bacterial Genomes --;Sources of Genetic Diversity --;Summary --;References.
The value of studies of monotypic populations is constantly argued in bacterial ecology.
Microbial ecology.
edited by Jeanne S. Poindexter, Edward R. Leadbetter.