edited by J. Thomas August, M.W. Anders, Ferid Murad.
San Diego
Academic Press
x, 348 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.
Advances in pharmacology (San Diego, Calif.), v. 23.
Advanced glycosylation - chemistry, biology, and implications for diabetes and ageing, R. Bucala and A. Cerami; complex carbohydrates in drug development, R.L. Schnaar; new developments in enteric bacterial toxins, D.A. Bobak and R.L. Guerrant; superoxide dismutase - pharmacological developments and applications, B.A. Omar et al; pharmacological implications of interleukin-5 in the control of eosinophilia, C.J. Sanderson; advances in antiarrhythmic drug therapy, D.C Harrison amd M.B. Bottorff; new developments in thrombolytic therapy, S.F. Badylak; therapy of hematopoietic disorders with recombinant colony-stimulating factors, R.S Negrin and P.L. Greenberg; mechanisms of xenobiotic-induced renal carcinogenicity, W. Dekant and S. Vamvakas.
edited by J. Thomas August, M.W. Anders, Ferid Murad.