2nd European Scientific User Conference SOMATOM PLUS, Berlin, March 1992
edited by R. Felix, M. Langer.
Berlin, Heidelberg
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
(xvi, 236 pages 147 illustrations)
Thoracic CT and Pediatric Applications --;CT Quantification of Pulmonary Emphysema --;Correlation with Pulmonary Function Tests: Preliminary Results in 15 Patients --;Medium-Sized Slice Thickness, High-Resolution Reconstruction Algorithm, and Wide-Ranged Window Settings: Optimal Parameters in CT of the Lung --;Quantitative Analysis of CT Value Changes of the Lung with Different Respiratory Volumes --;Evaluation of CT Histograms Determined by Spirometrically Standardized High Resolution CT Studies of the Lung in Man --;Single-Breath-Hold Spiral Volumetric CT of the Lung --;Quality Assessment of Continuous CT in the Thorax --;Spiral Volumetric CT in Follow-up Examinations of Children with Neuroblastoma --;Clinical Application I --;X-ray Computed Tomography Perfusion Imaging --;Evaluation of Aortocoronary Graft Patency: A Comparative Study of CT Volume Scanning and Angiography --;Preoperative CT Staging of Gastric and Colorectal Neoplasms with Water as Contrast Medium --;Spiral CT --;A Valuable Tool for Orthopedic Examinations? --;CT Investigation of Traumatized Wrist Joints with Somatom Plus S --;The Use of CT in Traumatology of the Extremities --;Spiral CT --;Current Status and New Perspectives in Spiral CT --;Spiral CT and Conventional Incremental CT of the Lung --;Spiral Versus Dynamic Incremental CT --;Vascular Imaging with Spiral CT --;Spiral CT in the Preoperative Evaluation of Vessels of the Upper Abdomen --;Spiral CT of the Liver: First Clinical Results --;Spiral CT of the Pelvic Organs --;3D-CT and Clinical Application II --;Differentiation of Benign and Malignant Liver Lesions with Fast Angio-CT --;Three-Dimensional Imaging in CT --;Optimized Scan Modes and Reconstruction Techniques for Three-Dimensional Display of Bone Structures --;Three-Dimensional Imaging of Thoracic and Abdominal Organs and Vessels from Spiral CT Data Sets --;Three-Dimensional Imaging: Preliminary Examinations and Experience with the Somatom Plus-S --;Multiplanar CT of the Lumbar Herniated Nucleus Pulposus --;Multiplanar Imaging: A Comparison of Spiral CT and MRI --;Workshop --;Spiral CT: A New Technique for Better Evaluation of Upper Urinary Tract Filling Defects --;CT Indications and Criteria for Asbestos-Related Findings of the Pleura and Parenchyma --;Three-Dimensional Printing from Somatom Plus CT Data --;A New Imaging Aid: Dental CT --;A Prospective View of the Importance of Three-Dimensional CT in the Diagnosis of Brain Tumors Based on Clinical Experience --;Subject Index 231.
Significant development made in the Siemens CT scannerSOMATOM PLUS have opened new possibilities for diagnosticimaging in computed tomography. Spiral CT with a continouslyrotating X-ray tube and synchronous table increments for upto 60 cm in less than half a minute make radiologicaldiagnosis more accurate.