Robert F. Fernandez ; with a foreword by Peter R. Nozza and Thomas A. Kaczmarek.
Jefferson, North Carolina
McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers
Includes index.
Cover --;Table of Contents --;Foreword (Peter R. Nozza and Thomas A. Kaczmarek) --;Preface --;James J. Braddock: Cinderella Man --;Boxing Spawns Gentlemen: An Ode to Vic Creelman --;The Jersey Nightstick: Tony Galento and Other Jersey Bombers --;Ike Williams: Lightweight Champion Extraordinaire --;The Garfield Gunner --;School of Local Ring Greats: New Jersey's Laurel Garden and Meadowbrook Bowl --;Jersey Joe Walcott in Two Parts --;The Irvington Milkman: Charley Fusari, New Jersey's Golden Boy --;Joe Louis's "Exhibitions": Joe Cheshul and Henry "Snow" Flakes --;The Russian Lion and the Philly Fox --;The Staircase to Boxing's Fond Memories --;Joe Frazier: Deceiving First Appearances --;Tony Riccio: The Tungsten Steel Man --;Al Guido: The Measuring Man --;Chuck Wepner: The Red Badge of Courage --;Freddie "Red" Cochrane --;Rocky Graziano: The Dead End Kid --;Promoter George "Korn" Kobb --;Please Don't Pass the Sugar: Sugar Ray Robinson --;Frankie DePaula --;More Thumbnail Sketches --;Boxing Trivia --;Boxing Trivia Answers --;Index.
For all hard-core boxing fans, this book introduces the reader to New Jersey stars of the 20th century - gladiators who fought in blood soaked rings bringing entertainment to millions for little pay. The book contains many little known facts about these men, all trying to punch out a living for their families in hard times.
Boxers (Sports) -- New Jersey -- Biography.
Boxing -- New Jersey -- History.
GAMES -- Gambling -- Sports.
Robert F. Fernandez ; with a foreword by Peter R. Nozza and Thomas A. Kaczmarek.