Robert Donoghue, lead development & writing; Brian Engard, Brennan Taylor, Mike Olson, Mark Diaz Truman writers; Fred Hicks writing, layout, interior graphic design, art diretion, cover design, print production.
Includes index.;"For use with Fate Core" -- cover page 4.
Aspects --;Skills --;Stunts --;The big game --;Special circumstances --;Customized tools.
Rules, glorious rules! Learn how to hack the skill system to better suit your terraforming campaign. Get ideas on how to create races and societies for your woodland elves, subterranean aliens, or afterlife police force. Customize our magic starters to create your own system, and use our gadget starters to bring your gear to life (only not literally). -- publisher.
Fate (Game) -- Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Fate (Game) -- Rules.
Mobile games -- Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Robert Donoghue, lead development & writing; Brian Engard, Brennan Taylor, Mike Olson, Mark Diaz Truman writers; Fred Hicks writing, layout, interior graphic design, art diretion, cover design, print production.