Originally published: London : Taylor & Francis, 1998.
Wood as material; biotechnology in the study of brown and white rot decay; biopulping; enzymes in pulp bleaching; anaerobic treatment of pulp mill effluents; bioremediation of soils contaminated with organic wood preservatives; bioremediation of wood treated with preservatives by using white rot fungi; biotechnology production of wood composites; special (secondary) metabolites from wood; wood/bark extracts as adhesive and preservatives; ethanol production and forest products' wastes; production of mushrooms from wood waste substrates; drugs from plants; the role of biological metal chelators in wood degradation and xenobiotic degradation; biological control of wood decay; biological control of forests pests --;a biological perspective; transgenic trees; the use of molecular methods for the detecting and identification of wood decay fungi.
Forest products -- Biotechnology.
Forestry biotechnology.
edited by Dr. Alan Bruce and Dr. John W. Palfreyman.