Current topics in microbiology and immunology, 109.
Structure and Assembly of Adenoviruses. With 6 Figures --;The Mechanism of Adenovirus DNA Replication and the Characterization of Replication Proteins. With 8 Figures --;The Origin of Adenovirus DNA Replication. With 3 Figures --;A New Mechanism for the Initiation of Replication of?29 and Adenovirus DNA: Priming by the Terminal Protein. With 6 Figures --;The Messenger RNAs from the Transforming Region of Human Adenoviruses. With 4 Figures --;In Vitro Transcription of Adenovirus Genes. With 9 Figures --;Adenovirus Early Gene Regulation and the Adeno-associated Virus Helper Effect. With 10 Figures --;Antibodies to Synthetic Peptides Targeted to the Transforming Genes of Human Adenoviruses --;An Approach to Understanding Early Viral Gene Function. With 6 Figures --;On the Mechanism of Recombination Between Adenoviral and Cellular DNAS: The Structure of Junction Sites. With 17 Figures.
A puzzling epidemiological problem was the driving force behind the discovery of human adenoviruses by Wallace Rowe and his colleagues 30 years ago. The potential of adenoviruses as research tools in the molecular and cellular biology of eukaryotic cells was recognized as early as the late 1950s and early 1960s by several investigators.