Preface. Part 1: Design Theory. Designing a font to test a theory; T. Smithers. The role of multicriteria problem solving in design; L. Mandow, J.L.P. De La Cruz. Limited computation, unlimited design; J.-P. Protzen, et al. Part 2: Knowledge Modeling. Towards an ontological framework for knowledge-based design systems; F. Varejao, et al. Knowledge modeling in design - the MOKA framework; R. Klein. Expressing regulatory design knowledge for critiquing intelligent design assistants; M. Ursu, P. Hammond. Part 3: Knowledge Management for Design. Towards a systematic repository of knowledge about managing collaborative design conflicts; M. Klein. Managing knowledge in dispersed design companies facilitating context-driven design support through multiple perspectives; P.A. Rodgers, et al. An integrated development environment for the design and maintenance of large configuration knowledge bases; A. Felfernig, et al. Part 4: Shapes in Design. Shape grammer-based expert systems for engineering design; M. Agarwal, J. Cagan. Categorisation of shapes using shape features; S.-H. Park, J.S. Gero. Representations from generative systems; A. Koutamanis. Part 5: Evolutionary Systems in Design. Interactive evolutionary conceptual design systems; I. Parmee, et al. Fully automated design and manufacture of real machines; H. Lipson, J.B. Pollack. Evolutionary structured planning; C. Bezerra, C.L. Owen. Part 6: Process-Based Reasoning in Design. Structural engineering support through constraint satisfaction; E. Gelle, et al. Signposting for design process improvement; J. Clarkson, et al. Building design support by soft computing; OE.Ciftcioglu, et al. Part 7: Case-Based Reasoning in Design. Design case retrieval by generioc representations; H.H. Achten. Characterising evolutionary design case adaption; A. Gomez de Silva Garza, M.L. Maher. Exposures to examples; A. Heylighen, I.M. Verstunen. Part 8: Learning in Design. Design heuristics extraction; P. Matthews, et al. Evaluating a model of learning in design using protocol analysis; S.K. Sim, A.H.B. Duffy. Discovery of design methodologies; C. Shakeri, et al. Part 9: Exploration and Generation in Design. A framework for concept generation and exploration; Y.-C. Liu, et al. Erasure in design space exploration; R. Woodbury, et al. A design representation to support automated design generation; J. Heisserman, et al. Part 10: Context in Design. Reminding and context in design; C. Charlton, K. Wallace. Computational situated learning in design; R. Reffat, J.S. Gero. Reasoning with design rationale; J. Burge, D.C. Brown. Part 11: Agent-Based Design Systems. Deliberate evolution in multi-agent systems; F.M.T. Brazier, et al. Expectation formation in multi-agent systems; D.L. Grecu, D.C. Brown. Development of an intelligent agent for the design of local area networks; H. Rezazad, G. Tecuci. Meaning mediated mechanism: A prototype for constructing and negotiating meaning in collaborative design; J. Haymaker, et al. Contact Author Electronic Addresses. Author Index.