Silver Reducing Sites after Mercuric Acetate and Copper Tetrammine Treatments.- Immunochemical Identification of a Novel Nuclear RNP Complex of 70-110S from Rat Liver.- Visualization of Chromatin Arrangement in Giant Nuclei of Mouse Trophoblast by Videomicroscopy and Laser Scanning Microscopy.- Effects of a DNA Intercalator, Ethidium Bromide on Chromatin Structure of Chicken Erythrocyte.- The Fine Structure of Native DNA Studied with the Scanning Tunneling Microscope.- Cytochemistry and Immunology of Some Nuclear Proteins in a Primative Dinoflagellate.- Higher Order Chromatin Structure in Transcriptionally Active and Inactive Cells.- Chromomere - The Structural Unit of the Chromatin in the Interphase Nucleus.- An Immunoelectronmicroscopic Analysis of the Organization Levels of the Metaphase Chromosomes.- The Effect of Sulfhydryl-Oxidizing and Sulfhydryl-Blocking Reagents on Chromatin Preparations.- Fractionation and Analysis of DNA Molecules Differing in Their Attachment to the Nuclear Interior.- Plant Nuclear Matrix Effects of Different Extraction Procedures on Its Structural Organization and Chemical Composition.- Synthesis and Phosphorylation of the 125 K Nuclear Matrix Protein Mitotin during the Cell Cycle.- Identification of Myosin-Like Proteins in Cell Nuclei, Their Interaction with Chromatin Components.- DNA Sequences Nonrandomly Distributed in Respect to Rat Liver Nuclear Matrix.- DNA-Folding by a Stably DNA-Linked Protein in Eukaryotic Chromatin.- Structural Changes of Nucleosomes at the Sites of Non-Ribosomal RNA Transcription.- A Fragment of Chicken Nuclear Matrix-Associated DNA Can Maintain Autonomous Replication of Plasmids in Mammalian Cells.- Histone H1-Specific and DNA-Activated Proteinase Is Associated with the Nuclear Matrix from Rat Liver.- High Molecular Weight Proteins of Tumor Nuclear Matrix.- MAP-2-Like DNA Binding Protein: Monoclonal Antibody Recognizes Ubiquitous Protein of Internal Filaments of Nuclear Matrix.- Disconnection of DNA Domains in Quiescent and Differentiating Cells.- Heat Shock Proteins Associated with Nuclear Structures.- Characterization of the DNA Pattern in the Vicinity of a Replication Origin Located Upstream from the Domain of Chicken ?-Globin Genes.- Parameters of Xenopus rDNA Transcription in Microinjected Oocytes.- Transcriptional Activity of the 5? Region of the Xenopus Laevis R-Protein Gene L1.- Correlation between Changes in Sphingomyelinase Activity and Level of Nucleic Acid Synthesis in Cell Nuclei of Regenerating Rat Liver.- Role of Lipids in Functional Activity of Cell Nucleus.- Roles of DNA Topoisomerases I and II in DNA Replication Mitotic Chromosome Formation, and Recombination in Mammalian Cells.- Effects of DRB on the Ultrastructural Organization and RNA Metabolism of Plant Nucleus.- Replication Time of DNA Sequences Related to G1 Progression in Meristematic Cells.- Nuclear Liver Protein Interaction with the Rat Tryptophan Oxygenase (TO) Gene Fragments Including the DNase I Hypersensitive Sites `Poised' for Transcriptional Induction.- The snRNA and Regulation of the Early Development in Teleosts.- Differences in Transcription Activity and Replication Time of rRNA Genes in a Pair of Heteromorphic Nucleolar Organizing Chromosomes in Transformed Kidney Cells of the African Green Monkey (RAMT Strain).- Reactivation of Latent Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus in Silkworm.- New Structural Elements of Poly(A)-Containing RNAs in Mouse Cells.- Gibberellin-Binding Proteins of Higher Plant Cell Nuclei.- Developmental Expression of Proto-Oncogene c-erb-A Related Genes Encoding Nuclear Receptors in Xenopus.- The Secondary Structure Model of Mouse U1 snRNA as Determined from the Results of Pb-Induced Hydrolysis.- Age-Specific Differences in the Metabolism of Nuclear Phospholipid Fatty Acid Components.- Changes in Lipid Metabolism in Rat Liver Cell Nuclei during Superexpression of Nuclear Oncogenes.- Role of Phospholipids on Nuclear Structure and Function.- The Chromatoid Body in Spermatogenesis: Nucleo-Cytoplasmic Transport of Haploid Gene Products and Its Cytoskeletal Regulation.- Selective Staining of DNA at the Ultrastructural Level after Alkaline Hydrolysis.- Ultrastructural Changes in Nuclei within HIV-1-Induced Cultured Cell Syncytia.- An Electron Microscopic Study of the Structural Mechanisms of Hybrid Nucleus Formation during Spontaneous Splenocyte-Fibroblast Fusion.- Nuclear Compartmentalization in Pollen Mother Cells during Meiotic Prophase.
The Putative Transposable Element T14 is Located on a Y Chromosomal Lampbrush Loop and Other Genomic Sites and is Transcribed in the Germ Line of Drosophila Hydei.- DNA Sequence-Specific Location of Covalent DNA-Polypeptide Complexes in Eukaryotic Genomes.- Mink Sau Repeat: Structural Analysis and Genome Distribution.- Structure of the Plant Mitochondrial Genome and Light-Regulated Transcription of the Mitochondrial Genes.- Role of Damage of Skeletal Structures in the Induction of Chromosome Aberrations.- Possible Functional Structures in the Chromomere.- Rat DNA Fingerprinting for Rattus Norvegicus: A New Approach in Genetic Analysis.- The Extracellular Lymphocyte and Blood Plasma DNAs Contain the Discrete Size Molecules Homologous to the Ck Fragment of the Ig Gene.- Non-Random Distribution of Alu-Family DNA Repeats in Human Chromosomes.- Isolation and Properties of a Novel Specific Fraction of Chromosomal DNA from Human, Drosophila and Plant Cells.- Structural Elements of Balbiani Ring BRa of Chironomus Thummi.- Role of Specific Protein S-S Bonds in the Quasisubunit Structure of Chromosomal DNA.- An Aspect of Genome Variability: Retrotransposons (MDG1 Copies) in the Euchromatin and Heterochromatin of Drosophila Melanogaster.- IS Elements in Agrobacterium Temefaciens Strains and Their Putative Implications in Horizontal Gene Transfer to Plants.- Functional Analysis of the Nucleolin Gene Promoter from the Mouse.- Expression of Ribosomal Protein Genes in Xenopus Development.- Ribosomal Protein Genes in Xenopus Laevis: Organization, Structure and Identification of the cis-Element Responsible for Their Translational Control.- Expression of Nucleoprotein mRNAs during Rat Spermiogenesis.- Splicing Control and Nucleus/Cytoplasm Compartmentalization of Ribosomal Protein L1 RNA in X. Laevis Oocytes.- Genetic Analysis of Spermatogenesis in Drosophila Hydei: Male Sterile Mutations Affecting Nuclear Development during the Primary Spermatocyte Stage.- The Study of the Influence of cis-Regulatory Sequences and trans-Regulatory Factors of Eucaryotes on CAT Gene Expression in X. Laevis Oocytes.- The Detection of Noncanonical Conformation Regions in DNA from Eukaryotic Cells.- Characterization of Cytoplasmic Low-Molecular-Mass RNA Complementary Associated with Poly(A)+ RNA from Rat Liver.- In Vitro Amplification of the Human Insulin Gene.- Chromosomes E and S in the Oogenesis of the Gall Midge.- Nuclear Reprogramming in Bovine Embryos after Nuclear Transplantation.- Cell Differentiation According to Maturation of Nucleolar Apparatus and Topography of Ribosomal Genes.- Gene Families Coding for the Eye Lens Proteins of Cephalopods.- Loach (Misgurnus Fossilis) Oocyte 5S rRNA Genes: Heterogeneity of Primary Structure and Location of a Transcription Stimulatory Signal in Their Upstream Spacer.- Nucleolar DNA Distribution and Its Consequences for the Interpretation of Nucleolar Components.- Effects of Topoisomerase I Inhibition of Nucleolar Structure and Function.- Localization of DNA and Characterization of Argyrophilic Structures within Nucleolar Components during Interphase and Mitosis in Leukemia Cell Lines.- Relationship between the Ag-NOR Proteins and the Functional Changes in Nucleoli of the Rat Hepatocytes Stimulated by Cortisol and by Partial Hepatectomy.- Origin and Ultrastructural Cytochemistry of the Extranucleolar Bodies at the Preovulatory Follicle Stage and during Rat Oocyte Maturation.- Spatial Distribution of DNA and Histones within Ehrlich Tumor Cell Nuclei by Immunoelectron Microscopy.- Electron Microscope Localization of Ribosomal RNA and DNA after In Situ Hybridization.- DNA Methylation and Experimentally Induced Nucleolar Dominance.- Peculiarities of Silver-Staining of Nucleolar Organizer Regions in Chromosomes of Human Permanent Cell Lines at the Light Microscopical and Ultrastructural Level.- Morphofunctional Characteristics of Silver-Stained Nucleoli in Human Normal and Pathological Cells.- Nucleologenesis in Cow Embryo: Relation between Onset of Transcription and Penetration of DNA into Nucleolar Precursor Body.- Structural Transitions in Mammalian Cell Nucleoli Concomitant to Ribosomal Gene Activation and Inactivation.- Nucleolar Changes in Hypotonic Treatment and the Possibility of Isolation of Nucleolar Fibrillar Complexes.- Transcriptionally Active Amphibian Oocyte Nucleolar Chromatin Is Organized in Higher Order Structure.- Nucleolar Organizing Region (NOR) and Argentophilic Nuclear Proteins in Fertilization and Induced Parthenogenesis.- The Competitive Regulation of Nucleolar Activity in an Interphase Nucleus Revealed by UV-Microirradiation of the Nucleoli.- Ag-Positive Nucleolar Organizer Regions in Interphase Blast Cells in Acute Leukemias.- Polymorphism and the Regularities in the Inheritance of Human Nucleolus Organizer Chromosomes.- Satellite Nucleoli in Blastic Cells of Human Acute Leukemias.- Studies on the Distribution and Cytochemistry of Nucleolar Silver Stained Proteins in Ring Shaped Nucleoli.- Implications for the Function-Structure Relationship in the Nucleolus after Immunolocalization of DNA in Onion Cells.- Biotechnology and Human Tumor Nucleolar Antigens.- Origin of Isoforms and Interaction with Nucleic Acids.- Nucleolin Maturation and rRNA Synthesis during Xenopus Laevis Development.- Localization of Non-Histone Nuclear Proteins by Immunocytochemistry in Somatic Embryos and Pollen Grains.- The `Argentaffin' Reaction of the Nucleolus.