Neuroendocrinology of Gastrointestinal Ulceration.
Glavin, Gary B.; Szabo, Sandor; Tach, ̌ Yvette
Springer Verlag
Neuroendocrine Factors in Ulcer Pathogenesis: Role of Sensory Neurons in the Control of Gastric Mucosal Blood Flow and Protection; P. Holzer, et al. Sympathoadrenergic Regulation of Duodenal Mucosal Alkaline Secretion; L. Fandriks, C. Joenson. Potentiation of Intestinal Secretory Responses to Histamine: Pathophysiological Implications; P. Rangachari, et al. Braingut Interactions in Ulcer Pathogenesis: Neuroendocrine Control of Gastric Acid Secretion; Y. Osumi. Corticotropinreleasing Factor in Stressinduced Changes in Gastrointestinal Transit; T. Burks. Stress, Corticotrophinreleasing Factor; (CRF) and Gastric Function; H. Weiner. Novel Therapeutic Approaches to Gastrointestinal Ulceration: The Gastric Mucosal Barrier: A Dynamic, Multifunctional System; A. Garner, et al. New Approaches to Gastroprotection: Calcium Modulators; G.B. Glavin, A.M. Hall. Efficacy of Dopaminergic Agents in Peptic Ulcer Healing and Relapse Prevention: Further Indication of the Importance of Stomach Dopamine in the Stressorganoprotection Concept; P. Sikiric, et al. Dietary Factors Influencing Gastrointestinal Ulceration: The Luminal Regulatory System; F. Guarner, et al. 14 additional articles. Index.