FUNCTIONAL LAWS OF PSYCHODYNAMICS; Copyright; PREFACE; CONTENTS; FUNCTIONAL LAWS OF PSYCHODYNAMICS; Introduction; Chapter 1 Bases for an Analysis of Noetic Functions in Psychodynamics; Chapter 2 Context of Dynamic Psychology, Psychopathology, and Human Science; Chapter 3 Overall Research Design and Its Intensive Methodology; Chapter 4 Conjoint Intensive-Extensive Procedures of Analytic Research; Chapter 5 Statistical Treatment of the Formal-Quantitative Data; Chapter 6 Noetic Functional Laws of Psychodynamics and Their Ramifications. Appendix I Clinical Case Abstracts of the Research Population, P1-P48Appendix II Individual Matrices and Graphs of Nf-Ratios for the Research Population, P1-P48; Appendix III Master Sheet of Quantitative Data; References; AUTHOR INDEX; SUBJECT INDEX.