Introduction; L.Chouliaraki & M.Morsing PART I: MEDIA AS BUSINESS Rethinking Television in the Digital Age; J.Turow BBC and New Media: Public Service Broadcasting in a Corporate Market Environment; N.Thumim & L.Chouliaraki Expansion and Autonomy: The Rise of the Business Press; P. Kjaer PART II: MEDIA IN BUSINESS Strategic Auto-communication in Identity-image Interplay: The Dynamics of Mediatizing Organizational Identity; M.Morsing & A.Kjaergaard Mediatizing a Corporate Brand? Identity-effects on LEGO of Establishing a Media Company; E.Karmark Making sense of a crucial interface: Corporate Communication and the NEWS Media; J.P.Cornelissen, C.Carroll & W.J.L.Elving PART III: BUSINESS IN THE MEDIA Place Branding and Globalization. Media is the Message? P.van Ham Identity and Appeal in the Humanitarian Brand; A.Vestergaard The Construction of Businesswomen in the Media: Between Evil and Frailty; B.Czarniawska