Introduction - Corporate Psychopaths as Organisational Destroyers The Origins of Corporate Psychopaths Corporate Psychopaths, Bullying, Conflict and Unfair Supervision in the Workplace The Influence of Corporate Psychopaths on Corporate Social Responsibility and Organisational Commitment to Employees Corporate Psychopaths and Organisational Constraints Corporate Psychopaths and Workload Corporate Psychopaths and Job Satisfaction The Organisational Seniority of Corporate Psychopaths Corporate Psychopaths and Organisational Type Corporate Psychopaths and Withdrawal from Work Critical Incidents in the Behaviour of Corporate Psychopaths Encouragement of Corporate Psychopaths by Organisations 206 Corporate Psychopaths compared to other Dark Leadership Personalities: Antisocial Personalities, Dissocial Personalities, Psychotics, Sociopaths, Narcissists and Machiavellians The Corporate Psychopaths Theory of the Global Financial Crisis Ethical Issues Involving Corporate Psychopaths