Machine generated contents note: 1. General considerations --;2. Consent and anaesthetic risk --;3. Cardiovascular disease --;4. Perioperative arrhythmias --;5. Respiratory disease --;6. Renal disease --;7. Hepatic disease --;8. Endocrine and metabolic disease --;9. Bone, joint, and connective tissue disorders --;10. Haematology: drugs, tests, and disorders --;11. Neurological and muscular disorders --;12. Psychiatric disorders and drugs --;13. Uncommon conditions --;14. Cardiac surgery --;15. Thoracic surgery --;16. Neurosurgery --;17. Vascular surgery --;18. Orthopaedic surgery --;19. Plastic surgery --;20. General surgery --;21. Anaesthesia for obesity --;22. Liver transplantation and resection --;23. Endocrine surgery --;24. Urological surgery --;25. Gynaecological surgery --;26. Ear, nose, and throat surgery --;27. Maxillofacial and dental surgery --;28. Ophthalmic surgery --;29. Day surgery --;30. Laser surgery --;31. Anaesthesia for radiology --;32. Anaesthesia for the elderly. Note continued: 33. Obstetric anaesthesia and analgesia --;34. Paediatric and neonatal anaesthesia --;35. The critically ill patient --;36. Anaesthetic emergencies --;37. Airway assessment and management --;38. Practical anaesthesia --;39. Blood products and fluid therapy --;40. Acute pain --;41. Post-operative nausea and vomiting --;42. Regional anaesthesia --;43. Drug formulary --;44. Anaesthesia data.