1 Introduction and History --;2 Classical Radiation --;3 The Oscillating Charge --;4 Scattering of Radiation from a Charge Driven by an Electromagnetic Field --;5 Intensity, Energy Density, the Poynting Vector, and Their Spectral Distributions --;6 The Interaction of a Beam of Electromagnetic Radiation with a Free Electric Charge--The Compton Effect --;7 The Quantum Structure of the Atom --;8 The Einstein A and B Coefficients --;9 The Semiclassical Treatment of Stimulated Absorption and Emission --;10 The Semiclassical Description of Spontaneous Decay --;11 The General Optical Transition --;12 The Photoelectric Effect --;13 Optical Coherence and Counting Statistics --;14 What Is Light? --;Appendix 1 Time Averaging --;A1.1. Truncated Time Averaging --;A1.2. Exponential Averaging --;A1.3. Averaging over a Finite Time Interval --;A1.4. The Energy Density and Spectral Distribution of "Broad-Band" or "White" Light --;A1.5. The Monochromatic Field --;A1.6. The Modulated Field Arising from the Coherent Superposition of Two Frequencies --;Appendix 2 Ensemble Averaging --;Appendix 3 The Zero-Point Vacuum Field --;References --;Appendix 4 An Invariant form for Angular Momentum--Justification for Eq. (6.17) --;Appendix 5 Functions --;A5.1. The Dirac Delta Function --;A5.2. The Exponential and the Lorentz Functions --;A5.3. The Square Pulse and the Fraunhofer Function --;A5.4. The Peaked Functions --;Appendix 6 Wave Functions and Bra-Kets --;Appendix 7 The Density of Waves in a Box --;A7.1. The Density of Electromagnetic Field Modes --;A7.2. The Density of Free Particle States.
This book discusses the interaction of light with atoms, concentrating on the semiclassical descriptions of the processes. The book then proceeds to discuss the interaction from this point of view-light always being described classically, atoms described quantum-mechanically, with quantum rules for the interaction.