Contemporary issues in biomedicine, ethics, and society.
Introduction / Francoise E. Baylis --;Certification of Health Care Ethics Consultants: Advantages and Disadvantages / Susan Sherwin --;A Profile of the Health Care Ethics Consultant / Francoise E. Baylis --;" ... Has Knowledge of [Interpersonal] Facilitation Techniques and Theory; Has the Ability to Facilitate [Interpersonally] ... ": Fact or Fiction? / Abbyann Lynch --;Feeder Disciplines: The Education and Training of Health Care Ethics Consultants / Michael Burgess, Eugene Bereza, Bridget Campion, Jocelyn Downie, Janet Storch and George Webster --;From Avocation to Vocation: Working Conditions for Clinical Health Care Ethics Consultants / Benjamin Freedman --;Liability of Health Care Ethics Consultants / Larry Lowenstein and Jeanne DesBrisay --;What Does a Health Care Ethics Consultant Look Like?: Results of a Canadian Survey / Michael D. Coughlin and John L. Watts --;Appendix. Strategic Research Network in Applied Ethics: "Ethics Consultation in Health Care."
The primary objective of The Health Care Ethics Con- sultant is to focus attention on an immediate practical problem: the role and responsibilities, the education and training, and the certification and accreditation of health care ethics consultants.