Proceedings of the 9th SIDUO Congress, Leeds, U.K. July 20-23, 1982
edited by Jeffrey S. Hillman, Malcolm M. May.
Springer Netherlands
(512 pages)
Documenta ophthalmologica., Proceedings series ;, 38.
One: The Eye --;1. Intraocular tumours --;Ultrasound in the management of intraocular tumours (with particular reference to their local resection) --;Echographic diagnosis of large choroidal melanomas --;Spectrum of manifestations of metastatic malignant melanoma --;An analysis of 30 cases of proven malignant melanoma of the choroid --;ultrasonographic and histological findings --;Ultrasonographic characteristics in prediction of cell type in choroidal malignant melanoma --;Echographic pattern evaluation of eyes with choroid melanoma for corneal graft utilization --;A- and B-mode ultrasound biometry in the proton beam irradiation of uveal melanomas --;Echographic modifications of the choroid in its tumours and pseudotumours --;Experimental imitations of the less prominent lesions of the fundus and their echographic analysis --;Echography and Cardio-Green® angiography in eight cases of choroidal haemangiomas --;Low reflective choroidal metastatic tumor --;Ultrasonographic aid in the diagnosis of retinoblastoma-suspected cases --;2. Vitreo-retinal pathology --;Contact ultrasonography in the evaluation of diabetic traction retinal detachment associated with vitreous haemorrhage --;Evaluation of quantitative echography for intraocular membranelike lesions --;Errors in diagnostic ultrasound. A critical review of 68 patients undergoing diagnostic ultrasound before vitrectomy --;Five years of ultrasonographic diagnosis in combined surgery through the pars plana --;Pre-vitrectomy ultrasonic examination of the traumatised eye --;Ultrasonic characteristics of ocular trauma --;especially diagnostic application of ophthalmic ultrasonic high-speed electronic scanning display --;M-mode echography pattern study in retinal detachment --;Ultrasonographic pattern of the eyeball operated on for retinal detachment --;Differential diagnosis of disciform lesions using standardized echography --;In-vivo measurements of vitreous and retinal acceleration --;3. Other intraocular pathology --;Posterior scleritis --;the role of ultrasonography in the follow-up of the disease --;Diagnostic ultrasound in massive choroidal haemorrhage --;B-scan ultrasonograms of ciliary body detachment --;Ultrasonic diagnosis of intraocular Cysticercus --;4. Biometry for lens implantation --;How to obtain maximum measuring accuracies with standardized A-scan --;Biometry in calculating intraocular lens power --;Manual versus electronic measurement of the axial length --;Computerized biometry and lens calculation --;Computerized ocular biometry: a newly developed compact system --;Refraction after intraocular lens implantation: results with a computerized system for ultrasonic biometry and for implant lens power calculation --;Correction of ultrasonic distance measurements for the calculation of the refractive power of intraocular lenses --;Ultrasound velocity in different types of lens opacities --;5. Clinical biometry --;Ultrasonic biometry in congenital glaucoma --;a clinical study --;Ultrasonic biometry in congenital glaucoma --;Ultrasonic biometry of the sagittal growth of eyes in children --;Biometry of the eye during accommodation --;Comparison of axial oculometry by ultrasound and by slit-lamp photometry, a new measuring method --;Influence of biometric parameters on squint surgery --;Ultrasonic study of axial length changes after encircling operation in aphakic eyes --;Biometric evaluation of eyeball volume changes after encircling procedures --;Two: The Orbit --;1. Orbital tumours --;Real-time imaging of blood vessels within ocular tumors and the orbit --;Ultrasonic imaging of orbital tumors --;Standardized echography in the diagnosis of hemangioendothelioma --;Ultrasonographic and clinical findings in cavernous orbital haemangioma --;2. Optic nerve and muscles --;Comparative value of ultrasound and CT scanning in orbital optic nerve evaluation --;Echography, VECP and computerized tomography in tumours of the optic nerve --;Myositis of extraocular muscles diagnosed with standardized echography --;3. Miscellaneous --;B-scan ultrasonography of orbital varices --;Echography in carotid-cavernous fistulas --;The diagnosis of orbital mucoceles and pyoceles with standardized echography --;Echographic patterns of peripheral nerve tumours --;Three: Physics & Techniques --;Ultrasound interaction in the eye --;Performance measurements and quantitative echography --;Acoustic parameters of ocular tissues --;Ultrasound investigation of the carotid vessels --;Ocular tissue characterization by RF-signal analysis: summary of the Bonn/Stuttgart in-vivo study --;Microcomputer aided imaging techniques in ophthalmic B-mode --;Special electrical test generator for quality assurance of ocular biometry and of Doppler equipment --;A simplified water immersion method using a thin film --;Excerpts from addresses: Closing remarks --;Author Index.
Proceedings of the 9th SIDUO Congress, held in Leeds, UK, July 20-23 1982