I. Introduction --;1 History and Overview --;2 Models --;3. Education --;II. Evaluation and Assessment --;4. Intellectual Evaluation --;5. Behavioral Assessment --;6. Personality Assessment --;7. Interviewing --;III. Intervention --;8. Behavioral Methods --;9. Psychodynamic Psychotherapy --;IV. Professional Activities and Settings --;10. Consultation --;11. Research --;12. Private Practice --;13. Psychiatric Hospitals --;V. Clinical Specialties --;14. Behavioral Medicine --;15. Neuropsychology --;16. Pediatric Psychology --;17. Forensic Psychology --;About the Editors --;Author Index.
Bringing together contributions by leaders in the field of clinical psychology, this highly readable textbook provides a current perspective on theory, training, assessment, consultation, research, and outpatient and inpatient practice.