1 The Normal Pancreas --;The Duct System of the Pancreas --;Pancreas Divisum --;Interpretation of Pancreatograms --;The Effects of Age in Relation to Pancreatography --;The Weight of the Normal Pancreas and Pancreatic Fat --;Heterotopia of Pancreatic Tissue --;Accessory Spleens Within the Pancreas --;Pancreatic Malformations --;Pancreatic Atrophy --;Pancreatic Tissue in Teratomas --;References --;2 Normal Microscopic Structure --;The Islets of Langerhans --;The Development of the Pancreas --;Epithelial Metaplasia and Dysplasia in the Pancreas --;Pancreatic Injury, Repair and Regeneration --;References --;3 Effects upon the Pancreas of Disease in Various Organs and Systems --;Cystic Fibrosis (Fibrocystic Disease of the Pancreas, Pancreatic Fibrosis, Mucoviscidosis) --;Haemosiderosis of the Pancreas --;Other Pancreatic Lesions Associated with Hepatic Disease --;Chronic Venous Congestion --;Pancreatic Lesions Associated with Chronic Ulcerative Colitis --;Pancreatic Lesions Associated with Uraemia and Dehydration --;Pancreatic Lesions Associated with Death from Lightning Stroke --;Pancreatic Lesions in Fatal Cases of Burning --;Amyloidosis --;Wilson's Disease (Hepatolenticular Degeneration) --;Progessive Systemic Sclerosis --;Systemic Lupus Erythematosus --;References --;4 The Effects of Arterial Disease upon the Pancreas --;Anatomy of the Arteries of the Pancreas --;Aneurysms of the Pancreatic Arteries --;Effects of Arteriosclerosis of the Pancreatic Arteries --;Arterial Lesions in Relation to Acute Haemorrhagic Pancreatitis --;Pancreatic Infarcts --;Injury to the Arteries of the Pancreas --;References --;5 The Pancreas in Diabetes Mellitus and Haemochromatosis --;Type I Diabetes (Early-Onset Insulin-Dependent Diabetes, Juvenile Diabetes) --;Type 11 Diabetes (Insulin-Independent Diabetes, Maturity-Onset Diabetes) --;The Pancreas in Haemochromatosis --;The Pancreas in Diabetes Associated with Other Endocrine Disease --;Insulin-Resistant Diabetes --;References --;6 Pancreatic Calculi --;True Calculi Within Ducts --;Chemical Composition --;Single and Multiple Calculi --;Epithelial Metaplasia in Ducts Containing Calculi --;Relationship of Calculi to Pancreatitis --;Calculi in the Aged --;Calculi in Infants Treated with ACTH --;Size and Shape --;Pancreatic Calcification Associated with Carcinoma --;Calcification in Cystic Lesions of the Pancreas --;Calcification in Other Lesions of the Pancreas --;References --;7 Cystadenoma and Cystadenocarcinoma --;Cystadenoma --;Cystadenocarcinoma --;References --;8 Solid Carcinomas of the Exocrine Pancreas --;Increasing Incidence --;Aetiology --;Causes of Symptoms --;Abnormal Immunity and Pancreatic Carcinoma --;Neurofibromatosis and Pancreatic Carcinoma --;Lipomatous Pseudo-hypertrophy and Pancreatic Carcinoma --;Skin Changes --;Ectopic Hormone Production --;Hypercalcaemia --;Macroscopic Features --;Microscopic Features --;Carcinoma of the Ampulla of Vater, Common Bile Duct and Duodenum --;Microscopic Confirmation of a Diagnosis of Carcinoma of the Pancreas --;Use of Tumour Markers in Diagnosis --;Spontaneous Carcinoma of the Exocrine Pancreas in Animals --;References --;9 Tumours and Hyperplasias of the Endocrine Pancreas --;General Characteristics of Islet Cell Tumours --;Insulinomas --;Gastrinomas --;Glucagonomas --;Somatostatinomas --;Islet Cell Tumours Associated with the Verner-Morrison Syndrome --;Tumours Producing Pancreatic Polypeptide (PP-omas) --;Carcinoid Tumours of the Pancreas --;The Malignant Behaviour of Pancreatic Endocrine Carcinomas --;Pancreatic Islet Cell Tumours in Multiple Endocrine Adenopathy --;Nesidioblastosis and Adenomatosis in the Adult --;The Pancreas in Persistent Hyperinsulinaemic Hypoglycaemia in Infancy --;Hyperplasia of Pancreatic Islets Associated with Extrapancreatic Lymphoma and Sarcomas --;Drug-Induced Nesidioblastosis --;Islet Cell Tumour in Calcifying Chronic Pancreatitis --;References --;10 Secondary Tumours, Lymphomas and Rare Tumours --;Secondary Tumours --;Pancreatic Involvement in Lymphoma --;Rare Tumours --;Tumours of the Exocrine Pancreas in Infancy and Childhood --;Tumour-like Lesions --;References --;11 Non-infective Acute Pancreatitis --;Aetiology and Mechanism --;Morbid Anatomy --;Non-pancreatic Lesions Attributable to Acute Pancreatitis --;Complications and Sequels --;Unusual Effects --;Late Effects --;References --;12 Non-infective Chronic Pancreatitis --;Types of Chronic Pancreatitis Associated with Clinical Syndromes --;Chronic Pancreatitis and Immunological Abnormalities --;Chronic Obstructive Pancreatitis --;Effects and Complications --;References --;13 Bacterial, Granulomatous, Viral and Parasitic Lesions of the Pancreas --;Pancreatic Abscess --;Salmonella Infections --;Tuberculosis --;Sarcoidosis --;Fungal Lesions --;Viral Lesions --;Pancreatitis in Fulminant Psittacosis --;Effects of Helminth Infestation upon the Pancreas --;References.
The recent advances in the techniques for imaging the pancreas without surgical inter vention have reduced the inaccessibility of the pancreas. However, although certain lesions of the pancreas can now be recognised and localised without an operation, the pathology of the pancreas remains to be more thoroughly investigated. Moreover, the almost unrelated exocrine and endocrine functions of the pancreas have led to the management of different pancreatic diseases by different groups of specialists, while the effects of primarily non-pancreatic diseases upon the pancreas have tended to escape recognition. Even in the autopsy room the pancreas is often inadequately examined, and autolysis may make microscopiC examination unrewarding. This book is an attempt by a general histopathologist to make available some of his experience of the various aspects of pancreatic disease that he has encountered during his working career. My interest in the pathology of the pancreas was aroused while working with Prof. Arnold Rice Rich of the Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore. Rich himself, in his earlier work, had continued the tradition, begun in the same department of pathology by Opie, of carrying out morbid anatomical and experimental studies on pancreatic disease. Rich later became more involved in work on tuberculosis and on the collagen diseases but his interest in disease of the pancreas persisted and the work he allotted to me included an experimental study of chemically induced diabetes mellitus.