Selective Inattention --;After the Episode of Brief Psychotherapy --;Psychic Inflation, Deflation, and Vacillation --;The Focus Needs to Be Double: The Dilemma --;The Three Parts of This Book --;The Readership --;I. Beginning, Middle, and Ending Dilemmas --;1. The Freshness of First Sessions --;2. Perils at the Outset --;3. Female Dilemmas --;4. Male Dilemmas --;5. Sharp Endings --;6. Loose Endings --;II. Simple and Complex Dilemmas --;7. Subserving Others May Be Bad for Me --;8. I Cannot Decide --;9. I Am Entitled --;10. More Complex Idealists --;11. More Complex Detours --;12. More Complex Passion --;III. Inner and Outer Worlds --;13. Dream as an Individual Map of Dilemma --;14. On Seeing the Social World Coming --;15. Ten Follow-up Evaluations and the Science of Brief Psychotherapy --;References.
In this well-illustrated text, the author explores the potential of brief psychotherapy through four paradigmatic modes of the patient's relationship to others: subservience, indecisiveness, control, and fundamental fault.