Recent Results in Cancer Research / Fortschritte der Krebsforschung / Progrès dans les recherches sur le cancer, 12.
1 History of Cancer Genetics in Man --;Man as a problem for genetic studies --;Cancer genetics in animals --;Early studies in man --;Cancer of specific anatomic sites --;Twin studies --;Cancer families --;Mendelian inherited cancer disorders --;Cytogenetics and carcinoma --;Blood group antigens and carcinoma --;Cancer resistance --;References --;2 Classical Examples of Heredity and Malignancy --;Familial polyposis coli --;Gardner's syndrome --;Multiple nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome --;Xeroderma pigmentosum --;Thyroid carcinoma (medullary thyroid carcinoma with amyloid production associated with pheochromocytoma). --;Hereditary multiple exostoses --;Hereditary polyendocrine adenomatoses and the Zollinger-Ellison syndrome --;Tylosis and esophageal cancer (keratosis palmaris et plantaris) --;Bloom's syndrome (congenital telangiectatic erythema and stunted growth) --;Fanconi's aplastic anemia (constitutional aplastic anemia) --;Retinoblastoma --;Von Recklinghausen's neurofibromatosis --;References --;3 Heredity and the More Common Malignancies of Man: Carcinoma of the Breast, Stomach, Colon, Lung, Prostate, and Endometrium --;Breast Cancer --;Stomach Cancer --;Colon carcinoma --;Lung carcinoma --;Prostate carcinoma --;Endometrial carcinoma --;References --;4 Hereditary Aspects of Some Less Frequently Occuring Malignancies Exclusive of the Reticuloendothelial System --;Kaposi's sarcoma --;Carcinoma of the nasopharynx --;Carotid body tumors --;Generalized keratoacanthoma --;Hepatocellular carcinoma --;Familial pheochromocytoma --;Malignant melanoma --;Carcinoid tumor --;Carcinoma of the duodenum --;Hypernephroma --;Testicular tumors --;References --;5 Hereditary Disorders with Variable Malignant Neoplastic Predisposition --;Werner's syndrome --;Paget's disease (osteitis deformans) and osteogenic sarcoma --;Ataxia telangiectasia (Louis-Bar syndrome) --;Congenital sex-linked agammaglobulinemia (Bruton's type) --;Chediak-Higashi syndrome --;Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome --;Dermatomyositis --;Sjogren's syndrome --;Scleroderma (progressive systemic sclerosis) --;Albinism --;Dysgenetic gonads and disorders of somatosexual disturbance --;Peutz-Jeghers syndrome --;Porphyria cutanea tarda --;Systemic lupus erythematosus --;References --;6 Genetic Aspects of Tumors of the Nervous System --;Familial isolated tumors of the nervous system --;Established genetic diseases with significant incidence of tumors of nervous system. --;Von Recklinghausen's neurofibromatosis --;Von Hippel Lindau's hemangioblastoma --;Tuberous sclerosis --;Hereditary multiple endocrine adenomatosis --;Multiple nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome --;Retinoblastoma --;Pheochromocytoma --;Neuroblastoma --;Summary --;7 Heredity and Malignancies of the Reticuloendothelial System --;Hodgkin's disease --;Multiple myeloma --;Leukemia --;Waldenström's macroglobulinemia --;References --;8 Congenital Cancer and Congenital Abnormalities Associated with Cancer --;Introductory survey --;Neuroblastoma --;Wilm's tumor --;Hemihypertrophy --;Klinefelter's and Turner's syndromes --;Congenital epithelial parotid gland tumors --;References --;9 "Cancer Families": Adenocarcinomas (Endometrial and Colon Carcinoma) and Multiple Primary Malignant Neoplasms --;and historical review --;Definition of a "cancer family" --;Importance of histologic diagnosis --;Study of six "cancer families" --;Heredity and multiple primary malignant neoplasms --;Cancer families in the literature from Warthin (Family G) to present --;The hereditary multiple cancer syndrome --;Implications for this cancer syndrome from the standpoint of early cancer detection and cancer control --;References --;10 Heredity, Emotions, and Carcinoma: Delay in Cancer Detection --;Tumor service Patient series --;Two "cancer families" --;College Alumnae series --;Analysis of findings --;Implications for cancer control --;References --;11 Cancer and Genetic Counseling --;History of genetic counseling --;Genetic counseling and diagnosis --;Genetic counseling, physician responsibility, a patient-physician relationship --;Genetic counseling as "family problems" --;Clinical examples, emotional and psychiatric factors --;Protocol for genetic counseling --;Genetic terminology and disease --;Genetic counseling and cancer patients --;Summary --;References --;12 Epilogue --;Figures.
The writing of this monograph was stimulated on the one hand by experience gained in the study of "cancer families", and on the other, by the frequent perplexed and bewildered comments made by numerous physicians who have expressed amaze- ment that we could think that "cancer is hereditary".